Search results

  1. B

    New, sans tortoises!

    I absolutely would not be opposed to getting one from a member/breeder here on the forum! I just discovered the marketplace. I too will probably wait until next spring just to be sure we're ready and to avoid shipping in the cold months. Thanks for the recommendations! If I were to set up my...
  2. B

    New, sans tortoises!

    Thank you! Dana, I am planning on ordering from an online source. I plan on researching it before I do, but as of right now I don't know which site. Thank you for the heads up! I used to work in a pet store and am unfortunately all too familiar with the misinformation they preach and the...
  3. B

    New, sans tortoises!

    I had been getting that impression from reading on here but was in denial. We wanted two so they'd be best buds and never lonely - but if having two will be the opposite of that, it's not worth it. We may very well only get one.. But then we are going to have to agree on a name! :P Thanks for...
  4. B

    New, sans tortoises!

    Hello, wonderful community! I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and finally felt that I wanted to belong so I made an account. I'm 24 living in Oklahoma City, OK (US). My boyfriend and I have dreamed of having two Sulcata tortoises for about two years now, and finally got the "go-ahead"...