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  1. F

    The Doctor.

    She had just woken up from a bit of hibernation, so banana was offered as a motivational treat - she doesn't have it normally. :) This was taken about 6 years ago. With my beloved Homer who I lost last Halloween.
  2. F

    Fly, Halo and Toby

    Halo and Toby at the Farm. Fly By Night. He is as deaf as a post. Toby was rescued from people who didn't look after him well, he was bald from his waist down to his feet. They thought it was mange but it was a simple allergy which went after a good bath. Halo was from a rescue...
  3. F


    Hello! I a Fiona, I am 26 and live in Cumbria with a happy host of furry and scaley friends. My tortoise is called Dr Cox and she is eight. I have recently moved her to my new house and put her on 50% play sand and 50% top soil, it was a bit damp so I hope she is okay! I look forward to meeting...