Search results

  1. KBisMe

    Higher CHE?

    I currently have a 60 watt CHE on a thermostat set to 81. It works great during the day with the lights on, but I noticed the temp this morning was 75! I want to get a higher power CHE so it doesn't drop below 80, but I'm debating between getting the 100 watt and the 150. The 100 would...
  2. KBisMe

    Tort table builders in AZ?

    Does anyone know of a person or place I can go to have a closed tortoise table built in AZ? I have googled, checked craigslist, etc. and I only see the pre-made ones that you can buy in the pet store. If anyone has someone they could recommend, that would be awesome! Thank you! Kristin
  3. KBisMe

    Night Time?

    Just curious what type of schedule people follow with hatchling sulcatas? What time is lights out? Do you follow your schedule or 12 hours?
  4. KBisMe

    Salad Style

    This might be a dumb question, but is this the same stuff that's good to sprinkle on store bought food? I found the "regular" bag of salad style on but their shipping is so high...
  5. KBisMe


    I think I finally have a pretty decent setup and good temps/ humidity levels until I can get them into something bigger. Thank you so much to all of you for your advice! I would have been lost without all of the care threads of Tom's and everyone's help. I forgot to add...
  6. KBisMe

    Shopping List Help

    Can someone please help me with the list of stuff I need to buy? I have read Tom's threads about caring for sulcatas and have started a list. There is so much information though... I just don't want to forget anything. I live in a small town in AZ. I'm planning a trip to Lowe's and a pet...
  7. KBisMe

    Is it ok to pet it's head?

    I was soaking my baby sulcatas today and they both stretch out and just chill lol. They love water time! Anyway, I pet mine's head (mostly out of curiosity cuz I just got them) and it seemed to like it! It kept sticking its neck out to reach its head to my finger. So sweet. Anyway, is it...
  8. KBisMe

    Hi Everyone!

    Can someone please tell me the species?