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  1. quasimodo

    Help we are going on a long 9 hr drive

    it might not be the best idea but you can try to keep your tort super comfy. For example, I used bring my tortoise home from college for the summer. (it's only a three hour drive tho) I used a black tub that I put soft substrate in that I made super moist. I used black because it holds heat...
  2. quasimodo

    Should we create a tortoise forum, reddit?

    I was on reddit yesterday and there is a tortoise subreddit! it's pretty small and there is some miss information there. I did my best to provide help to a few people but I am a noob myself.
  3. quasimodo

    Is our 5yr old Turtie a boy or girl??

    Thanks so much for the fire ant treatment ideas. I've never thought of the bait jars but an amazing idea!
  4. quasimodo

    Microchipping and/or "collar ID" ideas?

    I've seen a few people take a small metal tag and epoxy it to a scute. It falls off every few months but it lets people know "hey I'm a pet and microchipped"