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  1. gb328

    Feeding my indoor star tortoise

    thanks guys - radish is easily available here so will try getting the leaves home ! And yes, me also planning on stealing the hibiscus myself ;)
  2. gb328

    Hello from India

    hey thanks ! yes Im looking at some fibre options like you mentioned and will start including those ![hr] thank you all for the inputs , advice and for the compliments for torty :) will try and source as much information as possible and also share my findings in the coming week! About seeds...
  3. gb328

    Feeding my indoor star tortoise

    hey Mina, thanks for the response. Yes will share new food items when I do find :) thanks for the tips, knowing that he will not starve I have more courage to try new foods with him ! Unfortunately the plant you mentioned is not available here so Im exploring hibiscus today !
  4. gb328

    Hello from India

    great :) looking forward ! cheers !
  5. gb328

    Feeding my indoor star tortoise

    those are basically all the greens available here really, am looking for hibiscus flowers and also the mazuri food you mentioned..hopefully i should be able to order online.. about growing indoors, nope, tried that, didnt work because of the whether here, also because of my schedule I don't have...
  6. gb328

    Hello from India

    hey thank you ! no, thats a tough one.. have tried common plants but the weather is not suitable here !
  7. gb328

    Feeding my indoor star tortoise

    thanks Jacqui for the suggestions, am trying the above and shall see if he likes anything.. turnip greens are seasonal and also usually come to the market without leaves, just bulbs.. also any advice on how many times should he be fed or can i just place the food in the his pan and forget about...
  8. gb328

    Hello from India

    aah, makes sense, no trouble if it helps to keep the community real .. cheers ![hr] now i see that in my confusion, earlier i started 2 new topics for the same subject, now im trying but i cant delete one of them to avoid duplication for others.. anyway i can do that ?
  9. gb328

    Hello from India

    also im having trouble getting used to the post new topic or reply function here ! there is no confirmation whether my reply has gone or not !
  10. gb328

    Hello from India

    Thank you ! my name's gary. and pictures attached ! no my friend had got it from another one and she didnt have time to care for it so she gave him away to me ! right now Im struggling with what to feed him, eats nothing but cucumber ! and in india, we dont have stuff like dandelions ...
  11. gb328

    Feeding my indoor star tortoise

    Hey you all, Im a newbie here and a newbie tortoise care taker. Just got myself a beautiful star tortoise from a friend has been with me for a week. He stays indoors 100% of the time and I keep the enclosure clean, dry and warm. The problem is - he eats nothing except cucumbers ! Here...
  12. gb328

    Hello from India

    Hey all, Im a new tortoise care giver - just got a young star tortoise from a friend and totally in love with him. I live in Mumbai , India, where most of the stuff that websites mention in food, diet or even enclosures and accessories for tortoises are not available and so I'm looking for a lot...