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  1. N

    Odd discoloration on scute?

    Hello, I've had a female russian tortoise for the past 5 ish years and during her weekly washing i've noticed some discoloration on one of her scutes. This is deff some 'new' discoloration that she didn't have before. I've recently 'upgraded' her enclosure to something with a little more...
  2. N

    Block of chestnut wood safe?

    Hello everyone, Recently i've come across a block of chestnut wood (was meant as firewood). That I wanted to put inside the enclosure so my russian would have an extra obstacle to climb on. Now I know chestnuts themselves are a big no-no and so are leaves, but what about a block of wood...
  3. N

    Could someone tell me if my 5 year old is a boy or a girl :) [Russian tortoise]

    As title says, I've asked this before but people told me he/she was way too small to accurately tell. HE/She has grown a TON since (nearing 0.5KG).And I was hoping it would be different now : I *think* it is a male because : * Extremely aggressive to other tortoises : cannot be kept with other...
  4. N

    Could I be putting medication into the lungs by accident?

    Hello everyone, Recently one of my young tortoises has fallen ill, sticking its neck out and opening its mouth (I assume to breathe). As a responsible pet owner I obviously went to a (specialised) vet, and he prescribed some antibiotics to combat the pneumonia. Since opening its mouth its...
  5. N

    Nails too long?

    Hey guys, I've had this tortoise for about 2 years now (i'm guessing she/he is around 3 years old). For as long as i can remember he/she had long nails like this ( and the rear ones are curly), however every picture of russian tortoises online shows straight nails. Are the nails(esp the rear...
  6. N

    Do females bite eachother?

    This might be a wierd question but... I just caught my 'new' tortoise nipping at the smaller one after a 'head bob'. I know two males means trouble, also a male and a female means trouble. This is why i made sure the one i had was female(confirmed by a reptile vet) before getting a new one...