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  1. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    Hi Tom will get a pic over getting Barry Friday. I went there yesterday to see him it’s an awkward situation where he isn’t mine. But I’m pretty sure he’s in a bad way he’s shell has dropped and he legs are dragging I’m just hoping I can help and nurse him. I have researched so much and thank...
  2. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    Hi Tom Thank you for your reply! Can you please suggest where would be best to buy the chamber when you say closed chamber do you mean a Vivarium box? And the correct humidy? I will make sure to buy a Hygrometer. I will go for the orchid bark I have seen this recommend a lot, With the...
  3. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    Hi Tom Thank you for the links! He is a Hermann Tortoise, not sure of age. He is showing signs of pyramiding and walks with a limp been advised born this way but after researching I think it may be do to with the way he’s been treated :( I am sorting table over weekend with a combi light. I...
  4. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    Sorry forgot to ask would you suggest using something different in the hide maybe aspen? Just as this is what he is used to or the same substrate all over Thanks :)
  5. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    Hi Thank you, I’m thinking of using a couple and I’m Sure he will tell me which one he prefers Would you suggest spaying the substrate?
  6. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    Sorry if that come across blunt. I’ve been googling tortoises for hours Any help would be greatly appreciated
  7. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    I haven’t collected as of yet, however my friend has decided to rehome. Just been researching on best thing to put inside the box soil or sand or a mixture of both and present he’s in a box with saw dust.
  8. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    I haven’t got him as of yet I’m hoping next week collection and gives me some time to get table top etc
  9. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    To be honest I’m not sure I’m going to check and take him to the vets to have a look over. Okay great thanks I just didn’t want to change he’s surrounding and it become a problem. Will have a look :)
  10. C

    Help! Concerns taking on someone else’s tortoise

    Hi I was wondering if you could help me. A friend of mine has a tortoise that roams the house but there living space is just a box with a lid. I have researched a lot on how to look after a tortoise and condensing giving the tortoise a better life with myself. Due to cold weather the...