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  1. Squirtle's mom

    Bugs?? Cabbage Aphids??

    We’re growing kale and I noticed earlier today that we had an infestation of Cabbage Aphids. I believe we had an infestation a while ago too with a different batch of kale but I just thought they were kale seeds (bc that makes sense) and washed them off (they were green at that time). I’ve cut...
  2. Squirtle's mom

    Tortoise wont stop trying to poop?

    ok i have about 3 separate questions relating to the root of this issue, but i felt like this needs it's own question. long story short, my russian had to get bladder stones removed (non surgically) and to say the least he's sore. the vet warned that he might keep trying to push but, as theres...
  3. Squirtle's mom

    Russian Diet??

    Ive had my russian for a little over three years, Ive been under the impression that most types of leafy greens are the way to go but recently he's had some problems that are probably linked to too much calcium/his diet. The vet suggested i move to a spring mix but other sources say to avoid...
  4. Squirtle's mom

    Bladder stones HELP??

    So i noticed this morning that Squirtle's tail was sticking outward (which he typically keeps tucked) and it looked irritated as the bottom looked red and swollen. I couldn't really do anything bc I was heading to school but when I got back I noted he was in the same spot. I put him in some warm...