Recent content by stephkesh

  1. stephkesh

    My outside enclosure! Have a look :D

    Nice! This looks like an exhibit!!
  2. stephkesh

    Photos of Our Outdoor Russian Tortoise Enclosure and Garden

    This! They are crazy climbers. Enclosure looks beautiful, though!
  3. stephkesh

    Hello from the UK

    Such a cute name... Good luck with your cute guy!
  4. stephkesh

    Newbie here :))

    Hello!! Look my little Russian. Enjoy!
  5. stephkesh

    Hi from a vicious kale eater

    Squee! So stinking cute!!!
  6. stephkesh

    The Tortoise and the....Cat!?

    Sounds like your cat wants his own warmer!
  7. stephkesh

    My new 4 year old sully

    He's adorable! Such great little guys.
  8. stephkesh

    Favorite species of tortoise

    I like my little Russians!!
  9. stephkesh

    Feed turtles a day

    I also feed just once a day.
  10. stephkesh

    Going away on vacation

    I have a few cats, as well as my Russian. My cats are no problem: clean the litter box and put out bowls of food and water. But I usually bribe my neighbors to watch my Russian every day.
  11. stephkesh

    Stuffing his face

    That's adorable!!! My guy is a little piggy-pig, as well.
  12. stephkesh

    Does your tortoise try to eat you?

    Every time, every day!! NOM NOM
  13. stephkesh

    Why not to keep 2 tortoises together - a lesson learned the hard way

    my female died earlier this year. I wonder if this is why. My male was constantly after her :(
  14. stephkesh

    Please help

    so sorry to hear about that :(