Recent content by RockyTheRussian

  1. RockyTheRussian

    Outdoor tortoise enclosure

    Also in oat of those pics they just so have grass. Don't tortoises need dirt in their habitat to dig?
  2. RockyTheRussian

    Outdoor tortoise enclosure

    I sorry yeah I meant like an enclosure type thing not a cage. We have a nice space outside for him (9 by 6 feet long).
  3. RockyTheRussian

    Outdoor tortoise enclosure

    Yes I live on the west coast so scorpions are poisnenous. I totally forgot about red ants as well. What should I do about that? Do u think it would just be best to keep him indoors or maybe just have an outdoor cage that is enclosed?
  4. RockyTheRussian

    Outdoor tortoise enclosure

    Hey guys! So I haven't started on the enclosure yet but I am going to have no bottom of the cage. So he will have access to the grass and I will also pour some dirt in for him to burrow. Since I live in AZ we have lots of scorpions. Will that be an issue to my tortoises safety? Can they get in...
  5. RockyTheRussian

    Lost Tortoise

    Hi! Ha ha don't worry I can't build either. What I did for tortoise's indoor enclosure is that I hired a builder to make his cage. I gave him the dimensions and everything. You can always look on to find a carpenter that would be willing to make you a cage.
  6. RockyTheRussian

    Lost Tortoise

    Ha ha lol I know! I think I'm going to make him an outdoor enclosure since he had such a fun time on his journey lol! Thanks for you help
  7. RockyTheRussian

    Outdoor tortoise enclosure

    Ok thank you. And for the dirt, would I just put it over the grass in the cage or does there need to be a bottom for the cage to keep dirt in?
  8. RockyTheRussian

    Outdoor tortoise enclosure

    So right now my Russian tortoise is living in an indoor enclosure but I think it's about time we move him to an outdoor enclosure until it starts to get cold again. We live in AZ so it's pretty hot. I was just wondering if you guys could give me any tips to housing a tortoise outside. What...
  9. RockyTheRussian

    Lost Tortoise

    I found Rocky a week ago! He was just walking around the backyard lol! Thank you all for your help
  10. RockyTheRussian

    Lost Tortoise

    Great idea! I have been putting out lettuce and tomatoes for him but he may like hibiscus and rose petals. And they are brighter so hopefully he will notice them more. Thank u!
  11. RockyTheRussian

    Lost Tortoise

    Ok I will keep looking. Yes it is fenced and I don't believe he can get through it. He's actually pretty large compared to the fence.
  12. RockyTheRussian

    Lost Tortoise

    That makes me feel a lot better. Went out this morning but he hasn't come out. Should I stop looking for a little bit and see if he comes out so he's not scared? I already put up a sign on my mail box but
  13. RockyTheRussian

    Lost Tortoise

    Hi ok thank you! I will check again tomorrow morning. I did check this morning but he did not come out. He will have to come out to get food, right? I hope I find him soon too.
  14. RockyTheRussian

    Lost Tortoise

    hi thanks for helping me out! I will check again. Just a little worried because we have been looking for him all day. I'm sure he will show up.
  15. RockyTheRussian

    Lost Tortoise

    So i took my Russian tortoise outside in the backyard yesterday to run around at about 2:00 pm. I went inside real fast and next thing i know he is gone. I have been looking all day for him in the backyard with no luck. We have trimmed plants and pulled weeds to find him. Any ideas on what to...