Recent content by Pepiiii T xx

  1. P

    I need help!

    So I know a bit about Hermann's and all but do they have to hibernate??? Pepiiii T xx
  2. P

    Where did you buy your sully?

    Cute pics! I don't know much apart from the fact they grow to like 1 metre !!! Pepiiii T xx
  3. P

    Horsefield not eating just sleeping.

    Mayb it's getting ready to hibernate i mean it's November
  4. P

    tater-tort stolen

    I hate thieves have you reported it??? I feel angry now z:0
  5. P

    Russian Tortoise Made a Run for It - in Oregon

    Hi Bobbi Wish you the best of luck finding him! Pepiiii T xx
  6. P

    Female Russian tortoise missing in Plano, TX 75075

    Wish you the best love xx hope Shes gets found ASAP I would be horrified!!
  7. P

    Lovely male Russian Tortoise

    How large is he now??? The full 100 cm or so???
  8. P

    Are there any tortoises avalible in england??

    Are there Any torts available in England??
  9. P

    Free Russian tortoise. Northern California

    That's great!! I wish her the best! It's good for you to give the tort the best xx
  10. P

    Surrey breeders?!!!

    Hey so I was wondering if any of you were Surrey tortoise breeder that I could visit to see if a tortoise really is what I want? Also so that you can give me tips of housing an handling! Please help!!!
  11. P

    New tortoise coming home soon

    What breed? I am hoping to get a tortoise and I have heard of juveniles and so are they like the older hatchilngs?
  12. P


    Awww he is so Sweet! I am hoping to get a tort!
  13. P

    From the UK?

    I'm in the UK !