Recent content by ogmoses

  1. ogmoses

    New Tort

    Super awesome man enjoy them this size!! Won't last long
  2. ogmoses

    Sheldon enjoying his big finch!

    Galápagos tortoises have a unique, mutualistic relationship with a particular bird in their native land called the Darwin’s finch. The Galápagos tortoise solicits itself to the finches by displaying a particular posture when in the presence of these birds. During this interaction, the tortoise...
  3. ogmoses

    Sheldon enjoying his big finch!

    Galápagos tortoises have a unique, mutualistic relationship with a particular bird in their native land called the Darwin’s finch. The Galápagos tortoise solicits itself to the finches by displaying a particular posture when in the presence of these birds. During this interaction, the tortoise...
  4. ogmoses

    Sheldon enjoying his big finch!

    The reason I said Finch is because I think it pertains a little bit more to Galapagos. In the Galapagos islands finches help giant tortoises clean the tortoise of any parasites. So The tortoise extends his legs and neck and tail to get a deep clean.
  5. ogmoses

    Sheldon enjoying his big finch!

    Yeah not sure on the sex all though I have seen his tail getting a bit longer. And feeling like the plastron is dipping. But no real rush to find out :) just enjoying the growth. The water dish is plastic and I found it at a reptile show about 2 years ago. I've been on the hunt for some more.
  6. ogmoses

    Sheldon enjoying his big finch!

    Just checked 2011
  7. ogmoses

    Sheldon enjoying his big finch!

    Tuffs brother from AldabraMan. I don't remember anymore.
  8. ogmoses

    Sheldon enjoying his big finch!

    90+% grass. 10% cactus,mazui and fruit and veggies.
  9. ogmoses

    Sheldon enjoying his big finch!

    Sheldon has to be pushing 50 lbs.
  10. ogmoses

    Darwin update.

    See above the video link I posted :)
  11. ogmoses

    Darwin update.

    This should help
  12. ogmoses

    He's not an Aldabra, he a Galapagos tortoise.

    Someone is getting to big for one hand :):)
  13. ogmoses

    He's not an Aldabra, he a Galapagos tortoise.

    You gotta see this I took these 5 mins ago :):):)