Recent content by MeeshCo

  1. MeeshCo

    Very New Mom to an Older Outdoor Tortoise

    What a great looking tortoise! I noticed that you have chicken wire over his pen. My tortoise has his own section of the yard, but it is not covered. He's been in the family for around 50 years now, 12 or 13 with us, but he's always been out in the open, with shelter for sleeping (his...
  2. MeeshCo

    Hibernation is finally over for "Sunshine" our Desert Tortoise.

    We woke our desert tortoise up on Easter Sunday. Every year we dig a hole and fill it with water so he can take a nice big drink after the long winter. This year he bypassed the water and headed over to one of his hibiscus plants instead. He loves hibiscus and doesn't give them a chance to...