Recent content by Mara29

  1. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    we adopted a tortoise many years ago when I was in high school. My mom did most of the work, and she couldn't keep it, so she took it to a wildlife refuge. I always felt bad about that. Now I can save one, and I will do my best to raise him.
  2. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    Yes, it looked like Mud at first, but it was the rotted shell. When it fell off, and more fell off after that picture was taken, it exposed two of his back ribs. The Veteranarian thinks that he was either in the shell too long, and it started to decompose, or he the egg was trapped where there...
  3. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    I hope these pictures come through. Bruno is 3 weeks and 4 days old. He has increased his weight from 23 grams to 29 grams. He doesn't look bigger, but his shell looks better. In these last pictures you cannot see his ribs anymore, the shell is healing over. I would still like some advice on...
  4. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    I have a very hard time figuring out how to post pics. I have videos I would love to post but I can't do it. If you can see this picture, you will see that his back is healing. It's almost like his shell is growing over the injury. He is much more steady on his feet, but still tips himself...
  5. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

  6. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    This is my baby, now 3 1/2 weeks old. He's gained 5 grams, so now weighs over an ounce. Sorry, I cannot figure out how to upload the new picture of him.
  7. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    Thank you for your answer. He seems okay, I was just panicked. I do soak him, and he eats really well the native plants. He just loves flowers, and I try to keep them just for treats. He's growing and I need to upload a new pic of him. The shell is healing.
  8. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    I gave my tortiose a wild iris petals that my daughter brought me back from her camping trip. I did not know that they are on the poisoness list. He scarfed them down like they were candy. What can I do, and will it kill him?
  9. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    Also, I should restate that his parents have always been captive. My clients have cared for them for over 25 years, one is forty (40) years old. He is only the 5th hatchling to survive in all those years. The others 4 have been adopted out. And I would never put him outside until the injury...
  10. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    Oh, I'm sorry. I did not mean release him into the wild, wild....I meant put him in the contained backyard where the parents are. Is that a danger to them? I cannot see him living 50-100 years in an aquarium. I want him to live outside where he is supposed to. So should I have him in his own...
  11. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    My 2 1/2 week old baby desert tortoise weighed 23 grams when born, now weighs 29 grams! He is eating well and even though the shell injury is still exposed, he is doing much better. 2 weeks ago, he would tip himself over at least 4-6 times an hour. Now he never tips, and is walking more...
  12. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    The baby's parents are 40 years and 25 years. Not sure which one is male or female. They live off the desert plants and grass in her yard. But she has been treating them with watermelon, strawberries, apples, cut up grapes and spring mix lettuces for years. By treat, I mean once or twice a week...
  13. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    Thank you all for the wonderful advice. I will do everything you all suggested except cover the injury. The vet said not to. I have a standard UVB lamp that came in a Zilla basic Desert start up kit. It also came with a heat lamp. Would some one please give me some numbers as to the size and...
  14. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    Yes, that is what the Vet said. But he does not seem to be in pain, he eats well, and is getting so much better at his walking/climbing. He used to fall over and tip all the time, and now he is steady on his feet and seems stronger. I think for a 2 week old, he is doing great! If I had left...
  15. Mara29

    Hi, I'm Mara

    It looks like dirt, but the doctor said it was damaged/rotted shell. It has since fallen off. I should send in a more recent picture. The two little lines are actually back bones according to the vet. He does eat well. What is pyramiding?? I'm sorry, I don't know how to send a better picture...