Recent content by Machin

  1. Machin

    2 Leopards together?

    Thanks very much, I know that they will grow big and I am prepared for that but I only wanted to get another if they would be happy together so I may just stick with the one :)
  2. Machin

    2 Leopards together?

    Hi there, I currently have a 14 month old Leopard and I just love him so much that I'm thinking of getting another one! would I be able to keep them together? I have read that some tort's prefer there own company and do not get on well with others so I am wanting to make sure they will be ok...
  3. Machin

    New member and am needing help!

    WOW! I'm sooo happy, Sherman just ate his first dandelion leaf! :) a small step I know but its in the right direction!
  4. Machin

    Humid Hide?

    Thanks very much, I managed to get a black tub today which I'm going to put in later, although now he has in fact started to hind under plants to sleep. He is 14 months old and the breeder I brought him from had just fed him lettuce, I am currently growing brand new weeds and grasses to add to...
  5. Machin

    Humid Hide?

    Sorry, my mistake! I got the meanings wrong!
  6. Machin

    New member

    Welcome :)
  7. Machin

    weight for a Leopard

    Thanks very much, I did look at a hibiscus plant at the garden centre yesterday but they don't flower until August:(
  8. Machin

    Finally, My First Hatchling!!

    Wow that is Beautiful! :)
  9. Machin

    New Parent

    Welcome to the forum :)
  10. Machin

    I don't know what tortoise I have!

    Welcome :)
  11. Machin

    Humid hide

    This is also something I'm looking into after trying a plastic one and him toppling over inside it's back to thinking of other things!
  12. Machin

    Humid Hide?

    That's great thanks, I will look around for something not as tall and I just automatically presumed it would have to be plastic to keep the humidity in. As far as the lettuce goes I have tried everything, chopping it up with other stuff and leaving piles of it all round his enclosure but never...
  13. Machin

    Humid Hide?

    Hi everyone! As suggested I yesterday installed a Humid hide for my 14 month old Leopard using an opaque tub and sphagnum moss. He did indeed crawl inside but to my horror starting to climb the sides and toppled over on to his back twice! so I took it out as I didn't want to risk leaving it in...
  14. Machin

    New member and am needing help!

    Thanks very much:)
  15. Machin

    Correct UV Light?

    Thanks very much, will have a look :)