Recent content by Kvrzorz

  1. Kvrzorz

    New and Considering a Large Tortoise

    Welcome! :)
  2. Kvrzorz

    My Russian likes to cuddle?

    I've had my little Sacha for about a week now; I've been letting him walk around on my bed before I go to sleep the past few days. So far, every day he climbs up on my chest or shoulder and falls asleep. Is this normal and healthy for him? I know extra handling can stress a tort out but he does...
  3. Kvrzorz

    Hi from Connecticut!!

    My name is Kait and I recently brought home a 4 inch Russian tort!! His name is Sacha!! I am a first time tortoise owner and I've been reading up as much as I possibly can so I can give Sacha the best home ever!! His house is currently a 40 gallon plastic bin (which is temporary; any advice on...