Recent content by Kobe's_Staff

  1. Kobe's_Staff

    Guys (What species is my tortoise?)

    In addition, tortoises are incapable of having relationships, and the most she sees when she is with you is fear. Uhh...yeah, right. Mine plays with me all the time. Starts whistling when he hears my voice. Stretches his neck out when he wants a massage. Sits on my feet to stop me going to...
  2. Kobe's_Staff

    Question: What Species Is My Tortoise?

    I think you're bang on. Slight concave underside tells me its male. Would be better if I could see a pic from behind as the shell bends over the tail on a male. Or they could just wait a few years and see if they start fanning and humping their computer chair leg, shoes or feet if you're sat...
  3. Kobe's_Staff

    What type of light

    Kobe has a basking lamp that has uv a and b built in and he's doing fine and perfectly healthy.
  4. Kobe's_Staff

    Am I set up for our new Hermann?

    I like it. It seems to have everything covered. I used to use an edible substrate but stopped when he spent most of his time roaming the house (I have laminate throughout downstairs so I'm not worried about the carpet and built him a little ramp so he could do so).
  5. Kobe's_Staff

    Whistling when breathing

    Mine whistles whenever he hears my voice. If I call his name he whistles back. The wife tells me that he's been quiet all day and then when I came home and spoke he started whistling. I spend a LOT of time with Kobe and he always seeks me out and plays with me and I think he has realised that...