Recent content by Kholloman

  1. Kholloman

    Baby Hermann with eye infection... Help

    Thanks for the info changing out the bulb and making sure this little one gets the correct bulb. Feel so awful that this happened, hopefully Little Foot starts feeling better soon.
  2. Kholloman

    Baby Hermann with eye infection... Help

    Currently using Zoomed
  3. Kholloman

    New tort owner to a baby Eastern Hermann named Little Foot

    New tort owner to a baby Eastern Hermann named Little Foot
  4. Kholloman

    Baby Hermann with eye infection... Help

    So I bought a baby Hermann from and it arrived Thursday. Named it Little Foot and calling it a he for the time being. I'm a new tort owner, but did tons of research prior and had everything set up for its arrival (set up details and pics below). I'm concerned because Little...