Recent content by kbaker116

  1. K

    Shell and beak problem?

    He is currently in a 30 gallon aquarium. Yeah not the greatest choice but we recently purchased a roughly 3ft long aquarium. I would like to make him an outdoor enclosure but with my dogs and other animals are what I worry about. I believe its a 75 watt bulb heat lamp, and fluorescent...
  2. K

    Shell and beak problem?

    I haven't taken pictures of him, but my tortoises shell is misshapen. I will upload pictures within the next few days. Its first top scute is the highest part of the shell and then goes down from there. The shell also used to be kind of soft but now it has been getting harder since we have...
  3. K

    Is it MBD!?! NEED HELP!!!!

    I think the Hermann's Tortoise I have has MBD! His shell isn't rounded at the top and is shaped differently. It is soft at the top and his beak is a little more hook billed. From what I have read these are all signs. I will probably post pics of him soon. So if you have any helpful information...