Recent content by Helter $kelter

  1. Helter $kelter

    Hello! I am just here to post pictures of my tortoise Godzooki and a few of him playing with my cat

    Thanks everyone I'm still getting used to it butvso far so good :)
  2. Helter $kelter

    Hello! I am just here to post pictures of my tortoise Godzooki and a few of him playing with my cat

    Thanks. I'm having problems putting pictures up but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Ill try the app too
  3. Helter $kelter

    Hello! I am just here to post pictures of my tortoise Godzooki and a few of him playing with my cat

    P.s. I did grow up with a full grown desert tortoise named E.T. who sadly passed away while I was a teenager so I'm not exactly new to tortoises but Godzooki is only 2 and a half years old so it is a little different caring for him. That is how I found this forum, just looking for advice on how...
  4. Helter $kelter

    Hello! I am just here to post pictures of my tortoise Godzooki and a few of him playing with my cat

    I've been coming on this forum for so long just for research and entertainment so I figured I might as well join in case I ever need help in the future.
  5. Godzooki


    Just pics of my tortoise Godzooki and a few with Salem the cat
  6. Helter $kelter

    <----- Godzooki

    <----- Godzooki