Recent content by Gelly

  1. Gelly

    Hydrating Russian Tortoises

    Other than by accident, I've never seen them go into the ramp. I wish asked these things sooner, I really appreciate everyone's advise here. I'm in Connecticut, it gets really cold after December through early March.
  2. Gelly

    Hydrating Russian Tortoises

    They’re adults. I have a ramp bowl, should I just get rid of it? I’ll pick up a big terra cotta saucer. Being that they’re adults, should I be bathing them less? Or is twice a week ok?
  3. Gelly

    Hydrating Russian Tortoises

    Hi everyone, Can anyone direct me on how to hydrate my Russians properly? I keep a water dish in their enclosures per doctors request but they never seem to drink. I bathe them about 1-2 times a week and I do see them drinking while in the water....Just looking for any advice on the best way to...
  4. Gelly

    Female humping female?

    Thank you, I’ll get the girls separated ASAP.
  5. Gelly

    Female humping female?

    Hi every, First time posting...looking for advice/help. I have had my two RT for 5 years. Both females, confirmed (or so I thought) by the vet. The older one Fester is now climbing on Feena and humping her while squeaking...Never had I imagined this would happen. Anyone know why this may be...