Recent content by Ed Lukacevic

  1. Ed Lukacevic

    Sharing care info on Rhinoclemmys Rubida

    This is the largest female not latest.
  2. Ed Lukacevic

    Sharing care info on Rhinoclemmys Rubida

    The enclosures are nothing fancy, exo terra tanks with bio active substrate, lots of cork bark to hide. It looks like I have one definite male an 4 females. I keep orange head cockroach in with them and the breed and grow and the turtles eat them along with giant meal worms. They also eat...
  3. Ed Lukacevic

    Sharing care info on Rhinoclemmys Rubida

    This is my latest female. Please excuse the mess we are I. The middle of remodeling the office so the tanks are out in the warehouse.
  4. Ed Lukacevic

    Sharing care info on Rhinoclemmys Rubida

    Just soaked them down.
  5. Ed Lukacevic

    Sharing care info on Rhinoclemmys Rubida

    I’ve had them for a while and they took a little bit to settle in. I’ve heard mixed things on how to keep them. One said wet the other dry. I do both by soaking them down and letting them dry out. They were pretty shy at first but now nothing terrible. They remind me a little of bog turtles. I...
  6. Ed Lukacevic

    Sharing care info on Rhinoclemmys Rubida

    I should say these are not rubida rubida but rubida perixantha.
  7. Ed Lukacevic

    Sharing care info on Rhinoclemmys Rubida

    I’ve got a small group I’m working with, they are doing well but are still a little small to breed.