Recent content by dumbly

  1. D

    Sulcata lighting

    how Many hours per day outside does he need to not need the uv bulb?
  2. D

    Sulcata lighting

    does my sulcata need a uv/heat bulb on if he’s getting out and about in the sun outside during the day? What kind of light is recommended for night time?I assume he needs daytime and nighttime to be different. Can he get too much uv if he’s been outside then under the lamp inside?
  3. D

    African sulcata help

    Thank you. I will give him a soak later
  4. D

    African sulcata help

    No not yet as they said not to but reading on here it says I should, so I’m concerned as to what to do
  5. D

    African sulcata help

    Thank you. I’ve only had him one day, he spent yesterday outside as it was warm and sunny (I live in the U.K. so warm and sunny aren’t common!!) I’ve got the correct bulbs for inside and setting up a greenhouse in the garden for him for the colder days. He’s 16” long and the previous owner...
  6. D

    African sulcata help

    Thank you, my main concern is the ‘wee’, is brown wee normal? I’ll read up as much as I can... Thank you again
  7. D

    African sulcata help

    i have been given a 7year old African sulcata ( he’s very big so I’m not sure she is accurate ) the previous owner said they did not have he time or space for him. He’s done what I think is a brown wee... not sure if this is normal? He was fine all day but since the ‘brown wee’ he’s been very...
  8. D

    possibly sick Herman

    Update. Dumbledore passed away yesterday morning. We are all very sad. Thank u for your advice.
  9. D

    possibly sick Herman

    Thank you. We've been soaking dumbly twice a day for 15-20mins. I will squeeze a third soak in from now on. So far she has opened her eyes bit n drank while in soak but not eaten anything as yet. The weather is supposed to be nice this week so hopefully be nice enough for her to go outside. Im...
  10. D

    possibly sick Herman

    Just to let u no. While soaking today she drank water n then opened her eyes. I nearly cried lets hope this is her gettin better
  11. D

    possibly sick Herman

    I will get some tomorrow see if she likes it. Thank you for your help will have to wait n see what the vet says
  12. D

    possibly sick Herman

    Most leafy veg lettuce broccoli dandelions very occasionally apple. Does this sound right? I will try to get some different stuff n mix it with soil see if it makes her happier.
  13. D

    possibly sick Herman

    Yes in England up north so it is still quite chilly. Its kind of small woodchip stuff i don't the name of it sorry. Would sand and soil be better for the humidity? She used to have that and free roam of the house but i moved in with 2 small children n having a roaming tortoise wasn't safe for...
  14. D

    possibly sick Herman

    She is mainly indoors but when its a nice day she goes outside on the grass in the sun. She's moving around but not opening her eyes. We have been bathing her everyday. What things can we do to help with humidity? What are the best day and night temps?
  15. D

    possibly sick Herman

    She is moving around but still doesn't open her eyes. Can we spray her with water to help with humidity? Or will that not be good because of the heat of the lamp? Tryin to get her to the vet on Monday but got to see if the reptile vet is in. What is the best temp?