Recent content by Danielle148

  1. D

    Sick tortoise

    She is pooping and is back to normal now grazing and eating her food I think that might have been it there has been terrible air quality lately
  2. D

    Sick tortoise

    I'll get it thank you
  3. D

    Sick tortoise

    Yes she has shelter I don't have sensors what should I get? We built her a home with wood and we also insulated it but I'm not sure of the exact temperature
  4. D

    Sick tortoise

    I'm not too sure if she's pooping. She's outdoors it's been pretty hot this week up in the 100s she has plenty of shade but also has areas she can bask in if she likes I've also been changing the water in her pool more often. At night it's in the 70s. Her normal diet consists of grass and weeds...
  5. D

    Sick tortoise

    She's outdoors, the weather did get hotter this week than it's been usually actually. Since it gets hot we have umbrellas and a tarp covering some of her enclosure but she still has places to bask in if she wants. Normally she grazes in the yard and a couple days out of the week she gets...
  6. D

    Sick tortoise

    I'm located in California she is outside in an enclosed area along with a little house we made her.on average the temp has been 100 in the day occasionally lower/higher. At night its in the 70s. I have an umbrella proving shade, and also a tarp proving shade. She also has a mister and a kiddie...
  7. D

    Sick tortoise

  8. D

    Sick tortoise

    My 5 year old sulcata started acting weird yesterday very lethargic just sitting in her little pool. She had no interest in the mazuri I thought maybe she was dehydrated so I gave her foods rich in water content and I did that today too she did perk up but she still seems lethargic she will get...
  9. D

    Please help

    I looked her over and that seems to be the only spot
  10. D

    Please help

    Yes just my two dogs but she lives in a gated enclosure that they can't get into and when she is out she is supervised the whole time she is out. We do however have a bit of a mouse problem outside :(
  11. D

    Please help

    I have no idea how she got the injury but it does seem to be a puncture wound
  12. D

    Please help

    It seems that my tortoise has insured her shell the exposed part feels softer than the rest of her shell I'm a little worried. Is that normal with injury or could it be shell rot? I'm going to take her in but I'm just worried about her
  13. D

    To let them burrow or to not..

    I have a 30 pound female sulcata and recently has started wanting to burrow I've been covering them up the most I can but she will start in another place do I just continue to block them? What methods do you use to discourage digging?
  14. D

    Colored urine?

    He's a sulcata and just mazuri right now. I think I freaked out and you're right when I soaked him he pooped so it was probably that
  15. D

    Colored urine?

    I have a vet appointment already sheduled but is this urine normal? it looks like a diluted choclate milk I've never seen it from him he's been having loudish breathing not all the time but mostly if I'm present. Nares and eyes are clear. He does eat. I've been feeding mazuri. I'm located in...