Recent content by BigC

  1. B


    Darwin has managed a POO. (anyone of a squeamish disposition please look away now) Is this of normal colour and consistency. He must have eaten something.....Although very cold temps last night his vivarium is close to a window of which he is getting full rays just now. P.S. I have a large Black...
  2. B

    Food Rotation

    I try to feed our newly acquired baby Horsfieldii a range of foodstuffs from around the garden as seen below. as well as supermarket greens and softened pellets (it is winter and more interesting ingredients will become available once Spring and Summer arrive. Calcium additives are also...
  3. B

    Clueless from NI

    Hi Guys, I just thought I'd push a few buttons and join the forum. Hoping to find out a lot more about our recently acquired Horsfieldi Tortoise (Russian) Long story short. My wife has always loved the tortoise, so much so there is many an ornament around the house. My daughter deemed fit (after...