Enclosure for Russian tortoise

Hi I've shared some photos of the enclosure I spent days making for my cute wee Russian tortoise. Curtesy of ikea and a pair of wire cutters I managed to make a hole in each of the wire bases. I connected a tunnel between the two tables to allow the wee shelled chap to roam around. I've created a second level by suspending a shelf and placing another hide on that level. He can reach this using a bridge. He seems to love it and eats from the selection of fresh leafy veg growing in his enclosure. I'd like to add a third table but my family think I've gone mad enough.
Can you help as my wee Russian was friendly and comes to my hands and climbs on my lap where he falls asleep. Recently he's started trying to bite and will chase my hands but only sometimes. Is this territorial or is he beginning to think about mating?

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