Hi could do with all the help I can get with a russian baby tortoise

Jul 4, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
United kingdom

I'm new here so please be gentle with me. I'm pretty scared to post if im honest. I hope I'm posting in the correct part if not I'm really sorry. Please no one tell me off because I already know I shouldn't of done what I have and I'm a sensitive soul! It's not hard to make me cry .

So, I've never owned a tortoise before but ever since I was a child I've researched every animal you could think of so I do know a little about them. Anyway, my local pet store had one in there for a little while, every time I went in for my supplies I saw him. He only ever had pellets and I never saw water and there was nowhere for him to hide (he's a baby so can't be sexed I've just decided it's a boy in my mind). Everytime I went in he was skinnier and his eyes were sinking in. I know you shouldn't buy from a pet store but the last time I was in there (last night) kids were hitting his tank (he was in a tiny viv) and I just couldn't bare it anymore. They actually gave him to me with £50 off because they were so desperate to get rid of him.

I bought him home yesterday evening he's currently in a huge rabbit cage 6ft by 3ftish (slightly bigger not smaller) I got the heat lamp the uvb bulb all in one (wow are those expensive!) He has a shallow pool, greens a little cave to hide in some pebbles etc. I have let him soak for 20 minutes. He's had 3 poos but I haven't seen him eat yet. He drunk a little water in the bath I gave him. The trouble is while I know about the species in general I don't know what I'm doing really.

I know I shouldn't of purchased him but he was breaking my heart in there I physically couldn't walk out of there without him. Especially knowing he was deteriorating. He's actually looking a little better already. Thank you for reading and please try not to make me cry xx
Jul 4, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
United kingdom
Thank you so much for replying to me and not telling me off, I am so nervous because I know you should buy from a pet shop. I just couldn't leave him in there my heart was just breaking my eyes are welling up thinking about it. Thank you for the care sheet. Yes! I will take some photos when I go to check him in a minute. He's actually in my bedroom so he can have some peace and quiet and I can check him through the night. Not sure if that's a good idea or not? X


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Thank you so much for replying to me and not telling me off, I am so nervous because I know you should buy from a pet shop. I just couldn't leave him in there my heart was just breaking my eyes are welling up thinking about it. Thank you for the care sheet. Yes! I will take some photos when I go to check him in a minute. He's actually in my bedroom so he can have some peace and quiet and I can check him through the night. Not sure if that's a good idea or not? X
Nobody is going to tell you off. Lots of people get them from petshops, think of it as you rescued him. It is probably best to leave him be as much as possible the first few days to let him get settled in. I would start soaking him like described in the caresheet asap. This will help him get hydrated properly.
Jul 4, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
United kingdom
My photos aren't very good as he's took himself to bed, managed to take the cave off of him without waking him to get a photo. I melted inside a little. Who knew a tortoise could be so cute just from going to bed!! X


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Nice looking tort. You are on the right track. Being concerned about your little buddy. Follow the care sheets and ask questions. Some replies might seem direct but are not meant to upset you. Just reading a text you can't hear the compassion in a members voice. Keep up the good work!


The Dog Trainer
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Hello and welcome. I don't know where you've been previously, but we support and help each other here. We especially help new members and members that are rescuing a tortoise from a bad situation. No one has any reason to tell you off, and that wouldn't be tolerated here.

Start with those threads that have been linked to you, and then come back with all your questions. Keep soaking daily for a couple of weeks to get him hydrated, keep the GI tract moving and stimulate appetite. After that you can start skipping days now and then if you want.

Did they sell you the "Pets At Home" substrate with the little limestone bits and sand in it? If yes, I'd remove that ASAP. Encouraging a tortoise to eat sandy substrate to satisfy its calcium craving is just a bad idea any way you look at it. Orchid bark or coco coir will work much better. No soil, no sand, and no calcium bits in your substrate.

Congrats on the new baby and best of luck!
Jul 4, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
United kingdom
I've spent the evening reading everything you have all sent me and I feel I may be the luckiest person alive right now. I had no intention of becoming a tortoise mommy yet I have a soil substrate with none of the bits described in it that are bad for them. I have also got pretty much everything on the list, he has a water bowl/shallow pool I've fed him leafy greens all that has been suggested (aside from dampening his substrate which I have now done and a few bits and pieces) I got correct and I won't lie and say it's because I'm intelligent I have just got incredibly lucky!!! What are the odds of that happening? I come here terrified I had gotten everything wrong and it seems I've got a lot right! I have no idea how because he was an impulse buy because I saw him being tortured and looking sick in the shop! Luckily for him I have a big heart where animals are concerned so he now has his own family. I was hoping to be able to keep him in the cage I have now? Or is it too big? After reading your info I have now took the cage part off of the top (the metal panels etc) and split it so that half of it is covered up to keep it warm and damp etc. It's just such a huge spacious cage I was hoping he could keep it if I'm honest but, any advice I get here will be followed 100% I need all the help I can get so if it isn't suitable please do say. It won't be an issue I just thought it would be nice for him to have so much room.

I'm a bit worried about his eating situation? He still hasn't eaten? They only fed him on pellets in the store, odd question I know but is it possible he doesn't know what I'm giving is food? If he's only ever been on pellets? He was imported from another country and took straight to the pet shop. He has never even been outside. I asked the shop about the care they have been giving hoping to get some tips and I quickly learnt to not listen to a word they said. He had never had a bath never been fed anything but pellets wasn't being handled. He had nothing in his tank aside from fake leaves to make it look pretty to potential customers, a few pellets and a lamp. He had no water no hidey hole nothing. This is why I got him i couldn't leave him there. But I'm worried he has no idea that what I'm giving him is food? I'm probably thinking really silly thoughts I know.

I haven't joined on any other forums for tortoises but I have read some and seen a few where there has been some pretty harsh words. I joined this one because everyone seemed so friendly when reading threads! I was worried because I have constantly seen all over the internet that you shouldn't buy from pet shops etc. I also know in general online forums can be a terrifying place!

Thank you all so much for helping me with this. I'm a complete stranger from the internet and you are all trying to help its incredible to be honest. Xx
Jul 4, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
United kingdom
Oh no!!! I've just given him fresh water and Ive noticed the underneath layer (it's a different type of soil) the top layer is from my garden to make it cosy the other from the shop has white bits in it!!!! But only in 2 patches? Is this part of the substrate? Is this the bad stuff you were talking about it? The bag said soil!!!! It didn't even mention anything else in it!!! What shall I do? There's 2 patches with white bits. The rest is just brown?!
Jul 4, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
United kingdom
Okay I've took some of the stuff from underneath and put it in the palm of my hand so you can see it better against my hand. The lump bits are dried mud I squeezed one and it crumbled but obviously I don't know the rest and I have no idea what I'm looking for so if you can let me know what to do Id really really appreciate it xx


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Tortoises are creatures of habit and they will sulk when something changes. So it is pretty normal for him not to eat at first. Mine did it for a while when I first got him. He will not starve himself don't worry. They can go quite awhile without eating. I would give him a few days to settle in and develop a routine. He will start eating, and you'll probably be surprised how much lol!


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You could try giving him the pellets he was used to and mix it in with the greens and then gradually wean him off the pellets. I'm so glad he caught your attention in the store. Sounds like he found a good home. :)


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Jun 10, 2017
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I’d ditch the soil and go with coir topped with orchid bark to be safe. Your garden center will have both pretty cheap. He’ll eat in his own time but mixing pellets in is a good idea. Soak them in water until mushy and mash them all over his greens. Then reduce the pellets over time. Is your UV light the coil type?
Jul 4, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
United kingdom
Ahh yes animals sulking! I have a cat that does just that! Boy can he sulk!

I actually feel awful I didn't get him sooner but I thought it would be unfair because I didn't know what I was doing. The guy that sold him to me must of thought I was very hard faced! I wasn't I was just so upset by what id seen.

I'm worried I'm being a bit to mommyfied and treating him like a baby. Last night I was worried he would get cold (it's summer here really hot and I'm keeping my Windows closed through the night for him) but I put my dressing gown draped over the part that I've closed off (he sleeps in there), I covered the whole of it including the sides. I also put a thick jumper underneath the cage so the bottom was warm too. Am I making him too hot over night?

The light bulb I got from the shop I don't have the box but it's this one, (Will add a photo)..

I have got some of the pellets he was eating in the shop I got them when I got him as I was worried I'd upset his tummy. I haven't made them mushy though I will do that today. A lot of the info I have read has said about vitamins for him can someone let me know what I should be getting in that department?

He's hiding in his shell quite a lot, I have chronic conditions and a weird side effect of one of them is my hands are always boiling hot and sweaty (sorry for the too much information) when I hold him in the palm of my hand he finally pops his little head out and it looks like he's actually listening to me when I talk. I don't know anything about their body language but it honestly seems like he's calmer and happier when I'm holding him, is this possible? Xx


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Heat lamp
That's a good bulb I think but I'm in America so I have no experience with that one. A good thing to do would be to buy a digital thermometer to put inside your babies cage to make sure you've got the temp correct. Like this one.


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