Where do I even start???

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Jan 4, 2013


Hi, so I'm a sixteen year old girl. For Christmas, my dad surprised me with a tortoise. I'd been pestering him to get an animal, and he knows that turtles are my favorite, but other than that I literally had no inkling that I would have to take care of one. He got me the tortoise, but no cage, UV lights, or anything else that it needs. For 3-4 days prior to Christmas, my father had the tortoise living in his car. We live in San Francisco and it gets cold out here, so that was very dangerous. He didn't even know that reptiles can't generate body heat, which goes to show how clueless he is. He has no idea what breed the tortoise is, thinks its a boy but doesn't know for sure, or the age, though I'm pretty sure he's a baby. His name is Billy, and though he's unexpected, I have already come to love the little guy and am determined to care for him as good as I can, despite being ill prepared. I've been doing some research about pet tortoises and I'm really excited to see him grow up! After Christmas up until 2 days ago, Billy had just been wandering around our flat. Now he has a really nice, big tank with a heating lamp, UV lights, and a little pool for him to soak in, but we haven't put a habitat or anything in yet. I've been feeding him romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, some carrots (he doesn't seem to like them much), and grass/dandelion stems (his favorite so far).

My questions are, who can determine the breed for me? The pet store? Frankly I'm not too trusting of pet stores now, because I think it's really irresponsible to let someone walk out with a pet and no means to care of it, without even letting the buyer know something so basic and necessary as the breed of that pet. But if the pet store can't determine it, who can? One of his characteristics are he likes to climb. He's actually a really good climber, it's funny. When I take him outside he just roams and eats grass. He doesn't go to water on his own, but when I put him in it he seems happy. By knowing the breed, will I then know what and how often to feed him, what his habitat should be like, how long he'll live, and how large he'll get? And has the traumatic week and a half he's been through affected his health at all? Could it shorten his life span or stunt his growth? I hope not :(

Also, any general advice on caring for tortoises of any breed would be very appreciated. I want to give him a great life!

(Note: I know what my dad did seems creul, but I promise you he meant well. He just wanted the turtle to be a "surprise". He did the same thing with a kitten he got me when I was nine. He's really bad with animals, or anything that can't speak for itself. He doesn't see how what he did was wrong, because he did mean well. My father is one of the kindest, most loving, and most giving people I've ever known, but he's very very dense in some areas. May have mental issues from a traumatic upbringing that affects his ability to understand certain things that most people would have no problem with. I don't think he's capable of grasping the concept that animals are people too, and deserve to be cared for properly like any human child. But anyway, that's the way he is and I can't change it. The tortoise is now in safe hands, so please don't say anything about my dad in your feedback, it will do no good)


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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Hi and welcome! Great gift! Actually your Dad was not as "cruel" as even you may have thought. I believe I am seeing a Russian, a very dark one. Russians are one of the tortoises that can tolerate the cold much better then say a leopard tortoise, because they come where cold happens. They are even a species who will brumate (hibernate reptile style). :cool: It's a lucky thing he is still eating and not thinking he needs to nap the winter away. I doubt Billy is a baby, more like an adult.


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Billy is in good hands now! He does look like a Russian tortoise, all of the Mediterranean species require about the same type of care.

This site can get you started with a lot of general information:

Feed him as many varied greens and weeds as you can. A pile about the size of his shell. Every day to every other day. The baby Spring mix (less spinach if possible, herbs are fine) makes a good base, with other greens/weeds varying day to day or week to week.
Sounds like you are soaking him; the water in his enclosure may be cool, so get a small container and soak him in shallow water, warm to the touch. Often these torts are dehydrated in pet stores.
Make sure you have a temperature gradient in his enclosure: basking side 95f and a cool side of about 70f. No heat needed at night; it is preferable for them to cool off at night then warm up in the am.

There are other members from the Bay Area/No. Calif. who have Russians.
Start thinking about creating an outdoor enclosure from him come the warmer months; even just for the daytime, although in your area he/she could stay outside at night too, depending on your microclimate.

Keep us posted!

Yvonne G

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Hi "mom" and welcome to the Forum!

I think Billy is a very dirty, pretty young (maybe 6 or 8 years old) Agrionemys horsfieldii, or Russian or steppe tortoise.

He really needs to be cleaned up. I'll bet whoever your dad got him from had a bunch of them in a small enclosure. He's got poop and dirt stuck all over his shell. Put him into a little tub, like a dish pan, of warm water where the water comes up to the middle of his sides (where the top meets the bottom - called the bridge). Just leave him in there for about 20 minutes. He may not like it and he may scramble to get out, but leave him soaking. Then at the end of the 20 minutes, take a soft bristle brush and gently scrub him all over. You can even scrub his legs and head, but gently.

Steppe tortoises are excellent "first" tortoises. And they seem to do quite well in slightly cooler weather. I think he'll be fine in S.F. Here's a good care sheet for steppe tortoises:



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Dec 23, 2011
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Welcome :) Russians are awesome :)


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Aug 2, 2012
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aw, what a great gift!
like everyone has already said, Russian torts are great learner tortoises and are very forgiving to mistakes.

since billy is not a baby, the traumatic week and a half probably wasn't that traumatic. it will not affect his growth or life span as long as you provide him with the proper care now :)

and your should know, dandelions and the flowers are their FAVORITE C:


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Hello and Welcome. :) You got great info already. I just want to tell you I love your story and your dad actually sounds like a great person. Hey,he got you a great gift.
Have fun with your new Russian tortoise and don't worry, tortoises aren't that hard to take care of.


New Member
5 Year Member
Dec 2, 2012
Hello I am also I recently new owner of a Russian. I think your story is very nice. If you have any other problems or questions be sure to ask on hear every one is so nice and helpful I did not have a clue when I got mine and now I know what I need to know :) good luck


Active Member
5 Year Member
Dec 29, 2011
Welcome! I agree with everything already stated above and am a huge fam of "over soaking" the first few days.....If i just got a new family and a mew home id spand a lot of time in the tub!! :)
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