Where did you get your tortoise from?

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I have gotten them from PetSmart, dealers in Florida, a local reptile pet shop, and a couple of private breeders.

Whenever possible, I would prefer to get one from a reliable local breeder, or at a show where I can see it before I buy it and talk to the breeder.

Pet shops do not always get wild caught animals (although that is a very common occurrence.) Some of their animals are 'farmed' in or near their place of origin. This is a slippery term, however. It SHOULD mean that they are the result of captive animals kept in large natural pens and breeding on their own without a further drain on the wild populations.

It often means that a big batch of wild-caught animals are processed in such a way as to make them look like they came from a farm. I have read somewhere that there was supposed to be a big farm for Russians or a similar species, that just plain does not exist except on paper. As far as places like most pet stores are concerned, they look legal, so are fine.

And, of course, the 4" rule. I have seen that law mis-used, illegally side-stepped, and warped so many times. Yeesh.


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I got my little Chief from turtlesandtortoises.com from Florida.
He was in great condition when he got here, they seem to be doing something right :)


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And, of course, the 4" rule. I have seen that law mis-used, illegally side-stepped, and warped so many times. Yeesh.
I think it serves very little purpose today. When it was first enacted it was for good reason. I think if the law were done away with it may ultimately reduce the number of wild caught tortoises being sold in pet shops. But I also think that along with eliminating the law there should also be heavy education at the retail and consumer levels. Education not only dealing with hygiene as it relates to tortoise (and turtle) care, but also education about the raising and care of the animals themselves. So in other words-it probably will never happen!
And yes, I agree, the 4" law has been so mis-used, side stepped and warped so many times that it is: a) completely ineffective, b) completely misunderstood by most (some by choice), c) generally uneforceable and therefore, d) basically useless!

Terry Allan Hall

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The 4" rule came into being from little kids being given baby turtles (most often RES and often sold in "dime stores", rarely in very clean surroundings), and those tiny plastic "turtle lagoons", and not keeping the turtles homes pristinely clean (at $.50 per, these were usually considered to be "disposable" pets), so the salmonella would build up in their little turtle intestines...eventually, Baby Brother/Sister, who tended to put everything he/she see into his/her mouth, put the turtle in and got a whammy-case of salmonella...myultiply by the number of babies who could reach the coffeetable where the turtle bowl was kept and - voila! - a new Nanny-state law is born!

OTOH, a 4" turtle won't fit into a baby's mouth, thus the law was passed, and in the American tradition of Judicial Overkill. tortoises were affected by this law, as well.

Yvonne G

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grundalowtortoises said:
Okay so Egyptian Dan, Cory, Tom, and Carl, since you all seem to be experts and people keep getting tortoises from you, where do you suggest we get our tortoises from? We want either baby Russians or baby Hermanns.

We have a member who breeds Hermann's tortoises:


If I'm not mistaken, I think I remember that he has written a care sheet for Hermann's and its here on the forum too.

Terry Allan Hall

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emysemys said:
grundalowtortoises said:
Okay so Egyptian Dan, Cory, Tom, and Carl, since you all seem to be experts and people keep getting tortoises from you, where do you suggest we get our tortoises from? We want either baby Russians or baby Hermanns.

We have a member who breeds Hermann's tortoises:


If I'm not mistaken, I think I remember that he has written a care sheet for Hermann's and its here on the forum too.

Yeah, he knows his stuff!


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4" Law- not to rebeat this dead horse, but I would be perfectly happy if it was amended to only apply to Red-ear Sliders- the species it was supposed to help in the first place, and a species that probably really should not be the 'go to' pet turtle.


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Oct 29, 2010
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RES are banned in florida... Afew other species too, but I do not agree with those bans.

RV's mom

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we have a local pet store that utilizes breeders. RV was in a tank with a lot of other babies...

we chose

and were lucky.



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Oct 30, 2010
petland discounts on Long Island 5 years ago. she was munching on the fake plastic grass covering the bottom of the 20 gallon aquarium she was in...and the worst thing was that the worker said she had RTs at home, kept them on carefresh and fed them romaine (and only romaine). and i used that advice for awhile. TGFTFO.
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