What Went Wrong?


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Jun 11, 2022
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Hello. After a ton of research, creating a large enclosure and making sure I did “everything right” I purchased a male Hermann’s tortoise from a local reptile shop. I knew he most likely wasn’t captive bred but I was really worried that buying one online wouldn’t be legit. My tortoise name was Clive and I loved him. He was such a joy in my life!! The family enjoyed watching him walk around our sunroom for some exercise, boop his nose on our fingers and eat dandelions. Sadly a few days ago I found him dead after only 4 months. Temp, food, lighting, substrate, soaking… all was done by following books, the reptile shop owner advice and online. It was shocking thinking you’re going to have a pet for years and he only live for months. I was told he was around 4 years old but he was 6 inches long so maybe that was incorrect? He loved to burrow but I did notice him burrowing more in the last few weeks. Anyways still heartbroken over here… took me 40 years to realize how awesome tortoises are and then he passed. Any thoughts? Also I would really appreciate reputable names where I could purchase a captive bred tortoise.

Yvonne G

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When you say, ". . . all was done by following books." that doesn't tell us what we need to know, as 'books' are usually wrong. Tortoise care has evolved a great deal, and books are unchanging.

So please share with us how you cared for the tortoise - size and what kind of enclosure?, what food?, water?, temperature?, what kind of light?, etc. Share anything at all that will help us understand.


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Jun 21, 2016
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I am very sorry about this sad thing. I understand how you are feeling and am sure others here do too. Maybe we can find out the likely cause of his death, so please let us have the details that Yvonne has requested.


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Sounds like you tried to do everything right but sadly did everything wrong. Books wrong, reptile store wrong, most internet places wrong.
Likely raised wrong before you even got him and may never had made it even if you had the right info.
Read our info and follow that. Forget all the stuff you read or was told.
Then purchase one from a breeder on this forum as they do it right from the start.
@HermanniChris Is highly recommended.


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Jun 11, 2022
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When you say, ". . . all was done by following books." that doesn't tell us what we need to know, as 'books' are usually wrong. Tortoise care has evolved a great deal, and books are unchanging.

So please share with us how you cared for the tortoise - size and what kind of enclosure?, what food?, water?, temperature?, what kind of light?, etc. Share anything at all that will help us understand.
Yes of course! Okay so he was Easter Hermanns tortoise. The main book I used was the Hermann’s Tortoise by Ben Team. I built his indoor enclosure out of a garden table… it was 4 feet long and 2 feet wide and I had a substrate depth of 6 inches with 10 inches above him. I used a ceramic heater on one side where the temps stayed about 95/98 degrees. I left this on all day and night. He liked to bask there and at night would burrows underneath it. The other side of the enclosure was around 70 degrees. He had a hide on the side of the heater. The substrate I used was eco earth which I bought in blocks on amazon and repti chip. He always had a shallow dish with water. I had a light spanning most of the enclosure which was from Arcadia and was for dessert animals. The strength it said in the book. Clive also had access to real sunlight. I fed him on a slate which I washed everyday. I would get him dandelion greens from Whole Foods, collard greens and wheat grass also a little kale sometimes. I would sometimes sprinkle dried hibiscus on his food. Also few days a week I would give him the mazurka tortoise chow food… a few pellets that I wet. I soaked him once a week or like every 10 days which water I would make sure the temp matched what I read… and he would like to sit there if he went to the bathroom I would have another small plastic tub I would put him in. Every day I would wash the water bowl and slate, pick up and poo and also mist his whole enclosure. Almost every day I would take him out and let him explore in the sunroom which was always around 75 degrees, natural sunlight and also places to hide. He would be there for like 30 min/ 1hour. I changed his substrate every month… I tried a few different ones this combo had the least fruit flies. I hope this is helpful. Oh also I had a cuddle bone for him but he never really cared about it.


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Jun 11, 2022
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I am very sorry about this sad thing. I understand how you are feeling and am sure others here do too. Maybe we can find out the likely cause of his death, so please let us have the details that Yvonne has requested.
Thank you I am new here and am not sure I am posting correctly but I replied to Yvonne’s questions.


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Jun 11, 2022
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Yes of course! Okay so he was Easter Hermanns tortoise. The main book I used was the Hermann’s Tortoise by Ben Team. I built his indoor enclosure out of a garden table… it was 4 feet long and 2 feet wide and I had a substrate depth of 6 inches with 10 inches above him. I used a ceramic heater on one side where the temps stayed about 95/98 degrees. I left this on all day and night. He liked to bask there and at night would burrows underneath it. The other side of the enclosure was around 70 degrees. He had a hide on the side of the heater. The substrate I used was eco earth which I bought in blocks on amazon and repti chip. He always had a shallow dish with water. I had a light spanning most of the enclosure which was from Arcadia and was for dessert animals. The strength it said in the book. Clive also had access to real sunlight. I fed him on a slate which I washed everyday. I would get him dandelion greens from Whole Foods, collard greens and wheat grass also a little kale sometimes. I would sometimes sprinkle dried hibiscus on his food. Also few days a week I would give him the mazurka tortoise chow food… a few pellets that I wet. I soaked him once a week or like every 10 days which water I would make sure the temp matched what I read… and he would like to sit there if he went to the bathroom I would have another small plastic tub I would put him in. Every day I would wash the water bowl and slate, pick up and poo and also mist his whole enclosure. Almost every day I would take him out and let him explore in the sunroom which was always around 75 degrees, natural sunlight and also places to hide. He would be there for like 30 min/ 1hour. I changed his substrate every month… I tried a few different ones this combo had the least fruit flies. I hope this is helpful. Oh also I had a cuddle bone for him but he never really cared about it.
And what I read meant… temp of soaking would start around 86 degrees I believe and the light arcadia pro T 5 12% and I would have it turn off after 12 hours


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Jun 11, 2022
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And what I read meant… temp of soaking would start around 86 degrees I believe and the light arcadia pro T 5 12% and I would have it turn off after 12 hours
Oh and I also checked the temps everyday to make sure all was good


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I don't know anything about Eco earth and Repti chip as suitable substrate for tortoises. Anyone here know what they comprise?


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I don't know anything about Eco earth and Repti chip as suitable substrate for tortoises. Anyone here know what they comprise?
Some of our experts recommend just what she said, I personalloy don't like "ecoearth" I think it's too messy for me. I also think your warm side is not warm enuf...needs to be 85. I don't think you had much to do with his death. It takes a long time for them to die once they reach that point...so I think he was already dtying when you got him, but Yvonne will tell you everything


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Jun 11, 2022
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Thanks everyone! I reached out to Chris from Garden state tortoises and have been emailing back and forth. I’m going to start over with a tortoise from him in a few weeks. I know I’ll start differently since this one will be a baby but I’m excited! Also a bit nervous but feeling more confident after knowing I have this forum and the expertise.

Lyn W

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So sorry for your loss.
They quickly get under our skin and it's heart breaking to lose them.
This is an up to date caresheet that is recommended for all Mediterranean torts

If you look in the species section there are other Hermann threads too.

There is a lot of old information about tort care still being passed around by pet stores, some breeders, non specialist vets and social media etc so you could compare the information you followed with the caresheet and see if any differences in care advice stand out. But sounds like you did your best with the information you had.
He could even have been ill when you got him. Sadly though without a necropsy you may never know :(


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Nov 17, 2013
Sorry you lost your tortoise. good luck with the next one. Chris Leone is a very good breeder. So is Gary Bright.


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May 19, 2015
Thanks everyone! I reached out to Chris from Garden state tortoises and have been emailing back and forth. I’m going to start over with a tortoise from him in a few weeks. I know I’ll start differently since this one will be a baby but I’m excited! Also a bit nervous but feeling more confident after knowing I have this forum and the expertise.
I am so sorry about Clive, but I think you will really enjoy having a baby tortoise and watching him grow and develop -take lots of photos ! And getting good advice from this forum, right from,the start, will help you not to worry as much.
Best wishes from Angie


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May 18, 2017
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Thanks everyone! I reached out to Chris from Garden state tortoises and have been emailing back and forth. I’m going to start over with a tortoise from him in a few weeks. I know I’ll start differently since this one will be a baby but I’m excited! Also a bit nervous but feeling more confident after knowing I have this forum and the expertise.

Excellent news! I've heard nothing but good things about Chris