What to do for the rest my life?

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Jun 16, 2011
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Hey, I'm in a struggle with my self and the economy. I can figure out what to do for te rest of my life in the work department. It's so very hard find a real job where o can support myself and a family. I finished up with the army and I'm only part time now one day a week so that's no help. I want a career where o can have a family and see them at the same time. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do for a career or know of any careers I could look into or that you know about. I'm desperite I'm stuck doing security work over nights 12 an hour. Sucks I never see the people I want to see. I can't afford schooling at all managing a job to pay bills plus schooling is the issue. But if anyone has ideas please send them my way thank you



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Have you thought about border patrol. My nephew is a boarder patrol agent. He applied in Port Huron, was sent to Texas for training, all paid for and then was able to go back to Port Huron. He loves it. With your training, you might be a good candidate. He really had no training except some Arabic language. Now you being in Canada, not sure how it would work, but it's a thought you might want to look into. Good luck to you.


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Here's a couple pieces of advice. I would figure out what you like to do and find a marketable skill in that area. There are some fields that will pay you as you train. You may have to get some education or training.
Now a lesson that will help you no matter how much you earn is the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University. I have taken it and I had all of my employees take it. I was doing pretty well even before the class but I learned a lot.


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I think alot of people are having a TUFF time right now. I went back to school and will be starting back up in September. I was working 2 jobs and going to school for awhile and throw some homework on top of that. I was laid off from The Port of Los Angeles years ago and have been working for less money since then. I like the border patrol suggestion, Lord knows we dont need anymore illegal aliens over here. Thats another story. Good luck and its all about action to get yourself where you want to be. Just try to do it while your still young it gets harder later in life


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MEDICAL field is always a good way to go... and some places pay you to move to them, and even pay off any schooling... but you have to have an interest in it....


The Dog Trainer
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I didn't find my career until I was 23.

My suggestion: Get out of the house and go do stuff. The more people, activities, and stuff you expose yourself to, the sooner you will find what you are looking for.


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School is not out of the option! Many people can receive financial aid or student loans. I know many people that have just taken general education classes and found an interesting thing they enjoy!
But, school is not for everyone. Good luck.


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Jun 16, 2011
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Thanks for all the suggestions. Lol I don't have the smarts for medical. I'll look into boarder patrol. I'm not even sure where to start. I've alsways wanted my own pet store. But worry of going nowhere and ruining my life.


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I wouldn't rule out school. I went back 3 years ago at the age of 41 and I also have five kids. I am not saying that it has been easy, but when you see the prize at the end of the line you know that the streuggle is worth it. I am in school to be a nurse which may be an option for you. begore thast I did construction and was a factory foreman both of these I thought I would do for the rest of my life. You neve know which path life is going to lead you.


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Don't worry about ruining your life. Personally, if you have a family that loves you and you have ANY kind of job that pays decently and your needs are met...your life is far from getting ruined, my friend. Don't measure yourself by your vocation or your paycheck or your contribution to the world. Focus on what is important: family.

I would definitely start at things that you enjoy, or things that you KNOW you are good at. But don't forget about having a good hobby.

I know from others who have attempted it that started a pet store is a very daunting and taxing venture. It starts out as a good-hearted goal to mix business with pleasure, but there's so much that goes into it. I don't want to come across as discouraging, but there are other business ideas involving herps that aren't so demanding of your time and expenses.


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Try not to think of solving the carreer/job problem "for the rest of your life." That's too much pressure, and really so many people enjoy multiple careers in the course of their lifetimes. Just work on the problem "for now" and let the rest of your life take care of itself.
In my 20s I had several different jobs that I enjoyed and was able to support myself and buy a house. Then I decided to finish college and get my teaching degree, graduating at 34 years of age. That's been a good career choice for me.


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Edna said:
Try not to think of solving the carreer/job problem "for the rest of your life." That's too much pressure, and really so many people enjoy multiple careers in the course of their lifetimes. Just work on the problem "for now" and let the rest of your life take care of itself.
In my 20s I had several different jobs that I enjoyed and was able to support myself and buy a house. Then I decided to finish college and get my teaching degree, graduating at 34 years of age. That's been a good career choice for me.

Yes, what you think you want to do, may not end up being what you want to do.
When I graduated from college I really wanted to be a broadcast producer. I worked hard and I got the job. I hated it!!! I mean.. it was so horrible and boring.
While working that job, I started my own business on the side creating web applications and was hired by my previous employer. After doing development for a while, I hated it too. I came to my current employer doing development, but being at a start up company, I got to branch out and do whatever I could bill clients to complete. I have been doing security and compliance for about 6 years now and love it.
I had to work jobs I hated twice (after thinking I would love them) to find the career I really want. I do work a lot of hours but I love what I do. I love working with my employes (at least 76% of the time). Loving what you do makes work less like a chore and more like a hobby. :D
Don't be afraid to take chances. Don't rule out schooling. My own damn kid, decided to go into the world (thinking she was smarter than me of course) and worked a retail job for 2 years before she was like .. duhh.. I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. She will graduate a couple of years behind her cohorts but I don't consider those years wasted. She also learned what she didn't want to do. She also learned that getting discounts on clothes at a retail store isn't worth working for $12 an hour.
A summary of what I just wrote is don't sell yourself short.

Yvonne G

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The power company and the telephone company both put you through paid training. There are many fields in both venues...lineman, engineer, repair tech...quite a nice variety of different jobs and a couple very good companies to work for. They both provide good benefits and retirement.

I started at the phone company when I was about 25 years old. Started as an operator. Don't know if they have those anymore, but I sat at a cord board and connected people to long distance calls. Then I was promoted to clerk, and I prepared the operators' work schedules and pay checks. After that I moved to the Engineering Department as a drafting clerk. Learned how to draw beautiful pictures and print so legibly you could read it without your glasses. I was promoted from there to office supervisor, taking care of over 20 people and their problems. Then I went to Engineer school and became a telephone company communications engineer.

I worked for 30 years in several different jobs, enjoying all of them. And now I pull a satisfactory pension.

The power company is very similar and has a lot to offer too.


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Jun 16, 2011
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all great suggestions and Im going to keep my head up see where it takes me. Im currently security guard nights as much as i dont want I have to stick it out. till I can figure it all out. thank you for your replies
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