What not to feed to a box turtle

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Oct 8, 2011
I have gotten alot of good and in some cases indispensible information here at the forum. This includes dietary information. However most of the time it is a list of what to feed. I would like to know more about what to avoid feeding to them. I don't mean obvious things like formaldahyde or lead pellets. I'm wondering about things that on first glance might seem ok but really isn't good for them. As for example, spinach or the neighbor's kids.
So my question is "What should I not feed my turtle?"

Yvonne G

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Quite a few box turtle keepers get stuck in a rut feeding canned cat or dog food. While a bit of this once in a while isn't going to hurt the turtle, its not a good choice for every day.


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I'm not sure that this type of backwards question is helpful to anyone. You are much better off finding out what we feed, and deciding yourself what not to feed. I feed mine lean ground beef occasionally, but a lot of people will tell you not to. There are those that will say not to feed Mazuri because it's not natural. This is like asking how not to build an enclosure, or what temperatures should I not keep them at. I'm just saying.


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yagyujubei said:
I'm not sure that this type of backwards question is helpful to anyone. You are much better off finding out what we feed, and deciding yourself what not to feed. I feed mine lean ground beef occasionally, but a lot of people will tell you not to. There are those that will say not to feed Mazuri because it's not natural. This is like asking how not to build an enclosure, or what temperatures should I not keep them at. I'm just saying.

just curious, is it cooked? My fiance said he'd bring some home for the little guy, just wondering if i should cook it first, thanks.


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I don't think that I'd feed it to a hatchling. Mine eat pill bugs, and cut up red worms with a vengeance.
WallieTheTortoise said:
yagyujubei said:
I'm not sure that this type of backwards question is helpful to anyone. You are much better off finding out what we feed, and deciding yourself what not to feed. I feed mine lean ground beef occasionally, but a lot of people will tell you not to. There are those that will say not to feed Mazuri because it's not natural. This is like asking how not to build an enclosure, or what temperatures should I not keep them at. I'm just saying.

just curious, is it cooked? My fiance said he'd bring some home for the little guy, just wondering if i should cook it first, thanks.


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yagyujubei, perhaps you're right . Maybe I should have but this the Debatable Topics forum. If a moderator agrees I'd be fine with it being moved.


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I feed mine cooked ground beef occasionally even though I prefer chicken or turkey. I cook any kind of meat I feed them. I feed mine 60% protein, 30% veggies, 20% fruits and 10% greens. This has been pretty successful for me. I feed them different things all the time. Some will say spinach is bad, but I give it to mine occasionally. The only thing I never feed mine is potatoes and avacados. I honestly don't know if they are harmful to them, but I know they are harmful to my birds so I just avoid them. See Tess Cook's site on box turtles for some good suggestions.

Len B

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I only have eastern box turtles, and am not sure of the other sub species, but I offer mine anything and everything in moderation, they can choose what they want.The only thing I can think of NOT to offer to, or feed to a box turtle is to much of any one item. Len


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I don't think it's a bad topic and I don't think it should be moved. Anything that leads to a proper discussion will only benefit our turtle freinds.
I also agree with changing diet. I learned quickly that Box turtles easily bore with foods, so rotating diet and offering different choices is crutial to help maintain proper weight.

Torty Mom

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My boxie is a pain in the BUTT!! He is super picky and will hardly eat anything at all. He does love pill bugs (woodlice) I often have the kids look for them at school and bring them home! He never has touched a green piece of anything! Before I got him he was fed RAW hamburger meat. I agree with fbsmith3, variety is the key so you don't end up with a problem like I have!

Turtle Guru

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Torty Mom said:
My boxie is a pain in the BUTT!! He is super picky and will hardly eat anything at all. He does love pill bugs (woodlice) I often have the kids look for them at school and bring them home! He never has touched a green piece of anything! Before I got him he was fed RAW hamburger meat. I agree with fbsmith3, variety is the key so you don't end up with a problem like I have!

I agree feed your turtle varieties and that will help him be healthy


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Mine is the same way, Mary Anne. He won't eat it unless its alive. At the risk of anthropomorphizing I'm beginning to think chasing the food around is an end in itself. If I drag something around in front of him, such as a flower, he'll follow jt around and poke his nose at it. Never is he enticed to eat it unless its a wiggly worm.

Torty Mom

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It's such a pain isn't it!!! Sometime we can get him to eat worms and mealworms. Most of the time I think he likes the shiny spoon better! I don't touch bugs! I will mix up mazuri, dog food and put in a bunch of mealworms hoping he will eat the other stuff when he is trying to get to the worms. Most of the time he wants the spoon! UGH!!! I have had him about 3 years now. He is adorable, but picky!!! :p


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Well, Cleo will not eat anything green unless there is something red with it. Also she will not eat plant matter if I am watching. I only know because she eat s from the bite marks or it's gone completely. If I put plant matter in, she will watch and wait for the insect or the meat. I swear she looks at me like, "I'm not eating this stuff, I'll starve first!" Silly turtle


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When I get a "worm-only eater" I feed it as many nightcrawlers and superworms as it will eat, to get it's metabolism going and keep it hungry. I do this wherever the new turtle feels safe and will eat. Once it is used to me, I start feeding it around or at the prepared food bowl, occasionally making it climb into the food plate to get the next worm. After a couple of weeks, I discover the turtle at the food plate, eating prepared food. It always surprises me!


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I agree with all of you! They are picky little pains...just like kids....but we love them. I have found the best way to get them to eat a variety of foods is to make a mix. Once a week I will make a mix in the food processor. I just mix it until it is tiny little chunks. Every week is different, for most of the Summer. I put a Sweet potato ( cooked), carrots (raw),squash, some greens...grape leaves, dandelion, escarole, hibiscus leaves...etc. A few pieces of fruit, strawberries, melons, etc., and some reptomin or trout chow, or mazuri, or turtle brittle. Don't make mush. I keep it in the refrigerator, and they get this every day in the AM. In the afternoon I'll give them some worms or some kind of protein. At the end of Summer two weeks before I hibernate, I will put some venison in the mix and then a few days before I stop feeding I give just venison. Everyone does things different, but this is just what works for me. They all seem to love it. The only thing I don't feed my Box Turtles, is citrus fruits, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and Spanish. There must be more, but I can't think of them......
This is Millie, my Gulf Coast. When I first got her this Spring, she would eat nothing but live food. After a few days of getting nothing but the mix she finnally ate, and now eats the same as the others. Just a side note. I love Tess Cook's book, and I would recommend it to every box Turtle owner. I have so many books on Box Turtles, and this is the best, and most used in my house.


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don't feed kale/cabbage or other members of the species often if at all they are high in oxylic acid or spinach with regualarity
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