Too much moisture/humidity???

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New Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2013
My sulcata chamber stays between 80-98% humidity with temps from 80-90°....ANY CHANCE that is bad for his belly or shell and could cause problems? I know the #'s are good just seems moist.Im new at this



The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
If there is a level where a problem could occur, I have not found it yet. I have kept them in absolutely swamp-like conditions and never had a problem. I have asked specialized tortoise vets at tortoise conferences, and they had only seen one single case of shell rot in a sulcata. Apparently this sulcata lived outside all winter long with no heat. At the start of winter a pipe had cracked under the dirt floored night house without the owners knowing it, and the inside of the tortoise house was flooded all winter long. This sulcata layed in this poopy, fermenting mud all winter long with no heat, and the vet described the case as "mild" shell rot. No other vet or any person at all, has ever told me of one single case of shell rot in a sulcata. Another vet had seen one single case in a leopard tortoise. Apparently there was some infection on the plastron at the site of some wounds created by a dog gnawing on and puncturing this tortoises shell. This vet classified this infection at the wound site as "shell rot". He had never seen any shell rot with any leopard or sulcata related to wetness.

The beauty of a closed chamber is that you can easily keep it warm and humid, without having to go overboard with the wetness.
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