Star tortoise doens't eat much

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Mar 13, 2012
I bought an indian star tortoise sex male according to the pet shop. With about 8cm length of its shell. I have bought it about 4days, at first i give it Mustard Greens as food like the pet shop do. He ate it as well, but on the third day, i gave it string beans, he only ate a little and spent more time hiding in the corner of its cage.
I'm using a 30 x 20cm acrylic aquarium, with vulcanic black sand (acording to the pet shop). And a heat bulb. And a feeding plate. At first its often hiding at the dark n cool corner when he sleep. But since i give it the string beans it used to more likely hide at the warm n light corner where the bulb is pointing at. He ate just a little of the beans, then the next morning i change the beans with fresh string beans again, and yes it didn't touch it a little. It just sleep at the warm n light corner for half day.
Then at noon i changed the beans with green mustard again, i put it near the feeding plate, he ate a few, and then go back to the warm
corner and sleep till night.
But its eyes can open both, when i touch it. And its nose didn't make any bubble (i was told about the sign of influenza by the shop).

Does my star tortoise in good and normal condition or not? Please help. I've asked the shop but they told me not to worry about, they said it is a natural for star tortoise. But i'm worried if i let it happens for a long time it will harm my tortoise. Thanx in advance for your help

Yvonne G

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Hi shendwen:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

What would you like us to call you?

And may we know appx. where in the world you are?

I don't know much about star tortoises, but I'd like to suggest that you change out the substrate. I think the volcanic rock might be a little rough on the tortoise's feet, and if he happens to eat it accidently it might cause him to become blocked.

I have a sense that you are not in the U.S. so my suggesting they type of greens that we can get here, might not help you. Try offering different greens. Dark, leafy greens. Also, you should be soaking your tortoise. Is it a big tortoise, or a baby. If a baby, you should soak every day. The lights dry him out and he becomes dehydrated. Put him in a little warm water every morning for about 15 minutes, then place him in front of the greens (Don't use beans anymore). The water shouldn't be so deep that he can't hold his head out of the water without struggling.

Good luck with your tortoise.


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Stars are a relatively shy species. I agree with Yvonne. Change the substrate out to mulch. Stars need a good hiding place as they are very shy. Also you need to keep in mind that ambient temperature plays a good role proper enclosures. Feed him chopped up mustard or turnips greens with some yellow squash to give some color and good nutrients to his diet. The eye problems seems to be a little not of either lack in vitamin a ( which the squash will help with) and or humidity being entirely too low. A good spray a few times a day as well as soaking in warm water will help this issue. Make sure that the ambient temperature is around 80 and humidity is at least 60%. This should clear up the bubbles and eye issue. If it persist seek veterinary help. Alsoake sure your giving a good UVB source.

Len B

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The enclosure may not big enough for him to regulate his body temperature properly. I'm not real good with the metric system so I may be thinking wrong. Len


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I agree. What size is your star?

If your star is a baby I would set up a new enclosure with a 20 gallon tank. A 11.8 x 7.9" enclosure that you have him in is a bit too small. They need adequate room for excersise and allow him to become comfortable his environment. A 20 gallon would be a good start and gradually increase as he gets bigger. You have to take into consideration that tortoises walk a lot in the wild and in captivity.


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Mar 13, 2012
It's a baby i think with 2 years old. Size of shell about 3.1" length. And the water tank i use is exactly as you said, 11,8" x 7.9". About the dirt, the pet shop said its safe if eaten by the tortoise and they also use it themselves.. Thanx for all your answer, i'll to do as you say. I've make a hiding place from a plastic bowl. Hope he like it :D


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Mar 13, 2012
Wheww... i made a hiding place for it by a plastic bowl n cut a hole. but seems that it doesn't like it, it prefers to sneak into the side of the bowl between the bowl n the aquarium glass :( any idea what to use for housing? i use a rather small cage with 11.8" x 7.9" size


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Ok the size of enclosure your using is a bit small. I would use at least a 20 gallon which is what I recommended. And its not your fault at all we will get you through this. Stars can be very temperamental in the beginning. I would head back to the pet store or closest one to you and right this list down and set up a new enclosure for your new tort.

20 gallon long aquarium
8.5" dome incandescent light fixture
Reptiglow 85w basking bulb
Reptiglow 10.0 UVB bulb (they sell fixtures with bulb as a combo)
Medium bag of reptile bark
Block of bed a beast coconut husk bark
Medium hide cave (these are basically half tree logs hollowed out)
And Let me know if you need help setting it up.

I'm pretty sure she's just stressed coming from a pet store and just needs that perfect enclosure.

What temperature is the enclosure now? And what's your ambient temperature in the house or where you keep her?


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Mar 13, 2012
tortshack said:
Ok the size of enclosure your using is a bit small. I would use at least a 20 gallon which is what I recommended. And its not your fault at all we will get you through this. Stars can be very temperamental in the beginning. I would head back to the pet store or closest one to you and right this list down and set up a new enclosure for your new tort.

20 gallon long aquarium
8.5" dome incandescent light fixture
Reptiglow 85w basking bulb
Reptiglow 10.0 UVB bulb (they sell fixtures with bulb as a combo)
Medium bag of reptile bark
Block of bed a beast coconut husk bark
Medium hide cave (these are basically half tree logs hollowed out)
And Let me know if you need help setting it up.

I'm pretty sure she's just stressed coming from a pet store and just needs that perfect enclosure.

What temperature is the enclosure now? And what's your ambient temperature in the house or where you keep her?

thanx for ur advice bro. but its really hard to find all the stuff u mentioned, because pet shop which sells tortoise are hardly to find here... do u have any picture i can look at for the stuff u mentioned about? or could u please shoot ur tortoise cage for me? thanx for ur help. see if i could find the stuff anywhere.


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Yeah. I can get a photo uploaded of my enclosure when I get home. For yah. You can also use like a large flat stone propped up on 2 other stones for a hide. I'll get you the info you need.


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Ok Its going to be later today I took a photo with my phone but i can't seem to upload it to the site via my "smart" phone. I will get everything you need to get your tort happy and eating. I really just think he's stressed out from being in a small enclosure. So look for my post later today when I get home.


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ok heres a photo of my stars enclosure. i just used a broken pot and two stones to make a hide. the enclosure is 4 feet wide, 3 feet deep and 10" tall on the glass. this is a custom enclosure along with the entire of my facility. but they dont have to have anything as fancy as this. just stick with as seen in the photo on concept, mulch (cypress or eucalyptis mulch, or reptile bark from the pet store). they need a good water bowl to soak in if desired like in my enclosure. it has a ramp for easy access. these stars quite a bit larger than you described yours is so you want to keep in to consideration to not oversize the water dish. they need UVB light for essential growth and devolpement. the best bulbs are a mercury vapor bulb, it provides heat for basking and UVB. the constant temperature should be 80 degrees to low to mid 90s. if too much varienace the tortoise can get a upper respiratory infection and become ill and very stressed.

heres some links for products to give you an idea on what to get.

those are just some products to get you an idea. doesnt have to be exact on the enclosure. just something much bigger than whats shes in now. local pet shops will have everything you need.

let me know if you need anything else.


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Mar 13, 2012
I've changed my enclosure, hope its better than before. But i can't find the forrest busk u told me. Still using the volcanic dirt :(. Why its very hard to post reply here? I've tried over n over but the page wouldn't changed.


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Mar 13, 2012
My star doesn't eat much again :( i've move it to a bigger plastic case with hide box, hide plant, feeding dish, the volcanic dirt (becoz i can't find any shop sells the coco busk). And using the uva bulb. Every morning at 8.00 i put it in shallow luke warm water and let it sunbathing abou 10minutes, then let it take a walk around before i put it back to its cage indoor. But this 2 days it doesn't eat much. This morning i gave it mustard, long beans, hibiscus and spread a little calcium+D3 powder on the greens. I put it near the feeding dish, it ate them a little then back to the hidebox n stay there all day. :(


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Ok. It's still going to need a little time to adjust to its new enclosure but that's a great start. Don't feed the beans anymore. And UVA is good for heat but now we need some UVB. If you can find a pet shop for mulch you can use good clean dirt from outside (knowing that no pesticides or hazardouse chemicals have been near it) if you have a home depot or hardware store around that sells Cyprus or eucalyptus mulch that will work just as good too. D3 powder is kinda sour to them so lets just focus on getting full meals eaten for now. Try to offer some bell peppers or yellow squash with the greens. If that doesn't help offer some fruit, strawberries or banana. Give him 1 or 2 days more with that if nothing, I would take he to the vet. But UVB is imperitive for any tortoise to be healthy. That's a must. Do you have good weather to put him outside to get sunlight? At least 75-80 degree temps?


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Mar 13, 2012
Becoz of i live in indonesia, with tropical climate the temperature outside is min 82 - 90 degrees. Why to stop beans? Its the only vegetables he seems to be like it a lot. How often may i give him fruits? I've ever read some articles that fruits must be very rarely rarely to give to star. So i never gave him fruits so far. About the uvb, i asked the shop who sold me my star, they said if i often take him for a morning sunbathing, uvb is unnesecary, becoz the uvb is for the cold temperature (unneccesary in tropical climate). Thanx for ur concern


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Apr 8, 2012
I live in indonesia too and i have 2 indian star baby, i have the same problem as you,i can suggest you hibiscus flower because the color and smell maybe will attract him,btw how's your indian star now?

Yvonne G

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manzarsenal said:
I live in indonesia too and i have 2 indian star baby, i have the same problem as you,i can suggest you hibiscus flower because the color and smell maybe will attract him,btw how's your indian star now?

Hi manzarsenal:

Won't you take a few moments to start a new thread in the "introductions" section and tell us a bit about yourself?


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Whatever they told you is totally incorrect. UVB is the only way tortoises will thrive and survive. It's the most essential part in having a healthy tortoise. It devolves their shell,bones, skin, and keeps internal organs functioning properly with the combination of fiber rich foods and calcium and supplements. UVB is necessary for at least 13 hours of exposure daily for your tortoise. Natural is best but simulated can be used as well. You need to get a UVB bulb over him ASAP or put him outside in a predator safe pen or enclosure so he can developer properly.
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