Star Tortoise | Basic Questions

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10 Year Member!
Jan 29, 2011
[split] Star Tortoise

I have two baby stars. They are two inches and weigh 35-40 grams.

One seems extremely healthy, poops only every morning during his soaking, eats well and is not afraid of me.

The other seems a little sick, poops in his pen, in his soaking, and sometimes after soaking too. However, he walks around all the time and looks energetic. He's pooped white poo once and I also found a pool of liquid (could be pee or vomit) with some white stuff in it. I'm told he has a stomach upset - but have no clue how to fix him. Any help?

They are fed a mix of Coriander, Salad leaves, carrot, Hibiscus flowers and leaves, and Opuntia Indica. I want to give them a good mix of healthy food - but a lot of the suggested plant names are Botanical and it's difficult to convert them to the local language name (India). Anyone have common name suggestions?

They get a 20 min warm water soak every morning and occasionally a warm spray mist shower in the evenings. They are in one 3ft by 2ft pen and are left in the house for a few hours a day to walk around and exercise.


I'd also like to get a perspective on 2v1.

Is it better to have 2 torts so they have company - or will one be just as happy by himself?


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RE: Star Tortoise

You have nice looking torts.

The white stuff is completely normal for torts. It is called urates. As long as the white stuff is a toothpaste consistency. If the white stuff/urates is rock hard, then I would suggest more soakings, as they can become impacted. It's just another way the torts digest their waste. It's all sickness.

hoshi said:
I have two baby stars. They are two inches and weigh 35-40 grams.

One seems extremely healthy, poops only every morning during his soaking, eats well and is not afraid of me.

The other seems a little sick, poops in his pen, in his soaking, and sometimes after soaking too. However, he walks around all the time and looks energetic. He's pooped white poo once and I also found a pool of liquid (could be pee or vomit) with some white stuff in it. I'm told he has a stomach upset - but have no clue how to fix him. Any help?

They are fed a mix of Coriander, Salad leaves, carrot, Hibiscus flowers and leaves, and Opuntia Indica. I want to give them a good mix of healthy food - but a lot of the suggested plant names are Botanical and it's difficult to convert them to the local language name (India). Anyone have common name suggestions?

They get a 20 min warm water soak every morning and occasionally a warm spray mist shower in the evenings. They are in one 3ft by 2ft pen and are left in the house for a few hours a day to walk around and exercise.


I'd also like to get a perspective on 2v1.

Is it better to have 2 torts so they have company - or will one be just as happy by himself?



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Oct 10, 2009
RE: Star Tortoise

Soaking them everyday can cause them to poop out the nutrients needed by their body. I soak 1-2 times a week max which is what they dont even get in the wild. Leave a shallow water dish in their enclosure and if they need to drink, they will.


10 Year Member!
Jan 29, 2011
RE: Star Tortoise

Hmm - I was told I should soak baby stars everyday so they remain hydrated and also poop consistently. Is this incorrect?

Also - what about company? Info on the net varies. Is it always better to have 2 v 1?

Any help with common food names re: diet?


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Oct 10, 2009
RE: Star Tortoise

hoshi said:
Hmm - I was told I should soak baby stars everyday so they remain hydrated and also poop consistently. Is this incorrect?

Also - what about company? Info on the net varies. Is it always better to have 2 v 1?

Any help with common food names re: diet?

You can but sometimes they will poop out the extra nutrients needed by the body. To each is his own.


10 Year Member!
Jan 29, 2011

I have two baby Stars - 34-40grams and 2 inchs .. I guess they are less than a year old.

I have a few questions:

1. Diet: I'm feeding them a mix of Coriander (Cilantro), Hibiscus flower & leaves, Salad leaves, Carrot, Opuntia Indica, Strawberries & strawberry leaves, and a local weed.

A lot of the plant names suggested are botanical and I'm not sure how to convert them to local names here (India). Can anyone suggest some common names that are easily available and are good for Star Torts?

2. Is it always better to have two torts over just one? Do they need company or are they happy by themselves?

3. I read contradicting information on baths. Some say its good to give baby Stars a warm bath everyday so they remain hydrated and poop --- some say it should be done once a week or else they poop necessary nutrients away everyday. What is the best thing to do?

4. I have half of my pen (3ft by 2ft) in direct sunlight - however, they seem to want to always chill in the shady area under some mulch in the hidebox. Even if I move the hidebox to the sun, they retreat to the end and sit in the shady part. Why is this so? The temperature here is usually 75-85 degrees in the day and 70-75 at night. I've ordered a UVB tube but I'm not sure if I need it? They get direct sunlight for maybe 2 hours a day ... but again, they seem to not want it.

5. Any other particulars to take care of babies?

Many thanks.

Yvonne G

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RE: [split] Star Tortoise

Hi Hoshi:

Welcome to the forum!! May we know your name and where you are?

I split off your question to your own thread so we don't step on chetanjain86's posts. Its always best to start your own thread if you want to ask questions about your tortoises.


10 Year Member!
Jan 29, 2011
I'm from India and my name is Batman :p -- glad to be here!

Would really appreciate some guidance on my questions :)


Yvonne G

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Hi Batman:

I don't keep Star tortoises, but I'm sure those who do will help you as soon as they see your questions.


10 Year Member!
Jan 29, 2011
Thanks emysemys! :)

Maybe this one isn't specific to Star Torts --- but do they 'need' company? Is it always better to have two or more over just one -- so they're not lonely etc? I've read a lot that they live solitary lives in nature ... but what about needing to find a mate, having a family? Do they desert their kids?

I had one and felt bad so got the second a few days ago ... but I'm finding it difficult to manage and have the option of giving it to a friend.



10 Year Member!
Jun 2, 2010
hoshi said:

I have two baby Stars - 34-40grams and 2 inchs .. I guess they are less than a year old.

I have a few questions:

1. Diet: I'm feeding them a mix of Coriander (Cilantro), Hibiscus flower & leaves, Salad leaves, Carrot, Opuntia Indica, Strawberries & strawberry leaves, and a local weed.

A lot of the plant names suggested are botanical and I'm not sure how to convert them to local names here (India). Can anyone suggest some common names that are easily available and are good for Star Torts?

2. Is it always better to have two torts over just one? Do they need company or are they happy by themselves?

3. I read contradicting information on baths. Some say its good to give baby Stars a warm bath everyday so they remain hydrated and poop --- some say it should be done once a week or else they poop necessary nutrients away everyday. What is the best thing to do?

4. I have half of my pen (3ft by 2ft) in direct sunlight - however, they seem to want to always chill in the shady area under some mulch in the hidebox. Even if I move the hidebox to the sun, they retreat to the end and sit in the shady part. Why is this so? The temperature here is usually 75-85 degrees in the day and 70-75 at night. I've ordered a UVB tube but I'm not sure if I need it? They get direct sunlight for maybe 2 hours a day ... but again, they seem to not want it.

5. Any other particulars to take care of babies?

Many thanks.

Hello Batman, bet that's not your real name. haha

1. The things you are feeding now are really quite optimal and you really shouldn't be worried. You could try feeding some Mazuri tortoise diet as well. Good nutrients in those. And please have a look at this site, you may find it useful. (

2. Indian stars are solitary reptiles. Like most tortoises, they prefer to be alone. (Less competition for food.) So they are pretty much happy by themselves. But you may decide what's best for them. :) Also, they should be checked for parasites/worms if you wish to keep them together.

3. What I think is that, the tortoises should be given the choice to drink and soak as they please. But if you wish to soak them, twice a week in luke warm water (as what most keepers do) is good enough for your baby stars. Shouldn't be doing it daily. In the wild, nobody picks them up and drops them in water.
And if you are worried they might flip and drown should you decide to place a water dish in the enclosure, I suggest a small saucer, like those you use for tea.. or a plastic/rubber lid from a tin of baby's milk powder. Moreover, in India, humidity's ideal for your stars. I wouldn't worry about them drying up like a prune.

4. Baby stars are shy, and if you just got them, they need time to adjust and get familiar with their surroundings. Have you checked the temperature of the area exposed to sunlight? Too hot? They're not a desert species, so they don't have to spend alot of time under the sun. In the wild they spend early mornings and evenings grazing/feeding. So for the most part of mid day, they are hiding, and are away from the hot afternoon sun.

5. I suggest you do more research, check out more star tortoise websites, read some books about star tortoises as well. I'm sure there are people in India who knows more than us about star tortoises, they are afterall, native to your country. Zoos? Star tortoise organisations? Preservation groups?

I've only shared what others have shared with me, and from what i've been reading up on. (Spent alot of time reading and researching and pestering experienced keepers.) lol
Do check out that website I stated above. Good luck Caped Crusader!


10 Year Member!
Jan 29, 2011
Haha - thanks mate! I've spent most part of the past 3 weeks on - fantastic website run by a fantastic guy/girl! It's really helped me a LOT. The only ares where I've read contradicting info are:

1. Company. suggests they need company.

2. Soaking. I've read babies should be soaked 20 min every morning and that should decrease as they age - thats what a LOT of people have told me. I've also been told they should be soaked 1-2 times a week to preserve their nutrients. I have no clue what I should do - I'm currently soaking them every morning.


Regarding Diet - A lot of the names mentioned are botanical -- I'm not sure how to convert them to local names/common names and so Its difficult for me to get most of the stuff. I've managed to get Opuntia and Hibiscus plants and am growing them at home - Cilantro, salad, carrots & strawberries are easily available.

Why do you say they prefer to be alone? What's the reason behind this (other than food competition) -- and what about them needing a mate etc when they are of age?

Thanks !


10 Year Member!
Jun 2, 2010
Well, after some time, you would start to notice what your stars like or dislike. Regarding the soaking part, well, there are no Cons to doing what most people have told you. It must have worked for them (partly because they are very worried and OCD about their babies. haha) So you have to decide what to do with your torts now that you have the knowledge. :)

Diet, again, do try Mazuri. As a supplement or staple, your choice. ;)

They only need a mate when they are of age and are in their Prime for mating, and it will be a long long time in your case. Other than mating, they do not engage in any other activities together. Yours are still babies, so doesn't really matter whether they're lonely or not, and in the wild, you wouldn't find two baby stars (or more) hanging out together like buddies everyday. When they hatch, they scatter off fending for themselves and will not come in contact with most animals. But since we keep them as pets in captivity, you may create your own star tortoise world, because as far as they're concerned, they only love you for the food. haha


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Have you tried feeding them grass? They should have lots of grass in their diet, around 50%. Since you're so much closer to the natural range of star tortoises than we are, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding grass for them. Also, you can feed them weeds like dandelions and plantago weed (if you can find them).

As a side note for your other question, tortoises aren't too famous for sociality. Normally I'd put females together or a ratio of 1:2/1:3 males and females. Males put together in a small space will fight with each other, but if you give them a large pen and a wide berth they should be alright. Remember, each tortoise is different and if you see any aggression seperate them immediately.


10 Year Member!
Jan 29, 2011
Don't get Mazuri here :( Can't find Dandelions but am looking ..

Thanks for the other info - it's helpful.

I'm currently using newspaper as substrate as it's easy to clean etc. I guess it won't help them in developing strength in their limbs so I'm going to try and get some cocohusk or top soil (hard to find).


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5 Year Member
Feb 2, 2010
As for mazuri you can try order it from internet and for the substrate you can just get some natural soil and replace the newspaper as substrate.

hoshi said:
Don't get Mazuri here :( Can't find Dandelions but am looking ..

Thanks for the other info - it's helpful.

I'm currently using newspaper as substrate as it's easy to clean etc. I guess it won't help them in developing strength in their limbs so I'm going to try and get some cocohusk or top soil (hard to find).


10 Year Member!
Jan 29, 2011
Thanks - The problem I'm facing is we don't get plain soil here.

The soil at plant shops comes premixed with some chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer.

I'm quite worried as I don't want him to develop issues in his legs - but I'm afraid to use soil mixed with fert. Would shredded newspaper be an option? Should I avoid any gravel?

Yvonne G

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I think what Gus meant was go outside with a shovel and dig up some clean dirt for your habitat.


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5 Year Member
Oct 10, 2009
Soak them twice a week is good enough but leave a shallow water dish in it's enclosure so it can drink when it feels it needs to.
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