Sprucing up new outdoor enclosure


New Member
Mar 4, 2015
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New Orleans, Louisiana
Hi all. I am in the process of building an outdoor enclosure. I am going to be acquiring several gulf coast box turtles tomorrow so was hoping to spruce up the enclosure a bit before going to pick them up. Anyone know of any native plants to the southern Louisiana area that I could add to my enclosure? Also how high should the walls of the enclosure be for adult gulf coasts? I am using a corner of my yard so two sides are high fences and the other two sides I am building up with 2 by 4s. Thanks for any help or advice!


New Member
Mar 4, 2015
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New Orleans, Louisiana
Unfortunately no picture yet and its too dark to go out and take now. Any basic suggestions you can give on plants or height? I was thinking to go 16 inches tall on the walls. Will that keep em in? Another thing I was a little unsure of was whether or not to dig up the grass that is currently in the enclosure area and replace with a more "digging friendly" substrate for the turtles. I read somewhere that a mix of topsoil and mulch can be used in outdoor box turtle enclosures so that they can have plenty of digging room. Any thoughts?


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You don't have to dig up all the grass but some areas without it would probably be good. They do like loose dirt and mulch and leaf debris to dig in. It may not be the right time of year but if you have some old dry would decomposing leaves laying around they love that. I'm not familiar with that specific species of Boxturtle but externals in general like to have a little cover, plants to hide under etc. And they also need a water source. I think 16 inches would be a good wall height. You can put a lip on the top if you're worried about them climbing out. How many are you getting and how old are they?

Dean Wirth

Mar 11, 2015
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Box turtles are escape artists, can scale chain link fences.
Not only that they are great diggers, I recommend you ensure they cannot dig out, also the key to them not climbing out is a smooth surface which they cannot get a toe hold on. also be wary of racoons and crows if they are young turtles.
Ferns work well they might get munched on a bit but provide good cover.
Good luck with your project!


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Aug 27, 2012
My old gulf coast turtle is a terrific climber. Cap the corners of the pen and put a lip around the top. You may need higher walls. Take the height of the turtle at full extension, standing on tiptoes head stretched to full length, and double it. Make sure the boards won't provide stair steps & that they can't dig under the fence.

Provide a large enough dish for soaking, maybe several dishes. They love water. Also watch the dynamics because males can be aggressive breeders and aggressive with other males.

You don't have to dig up grass, just pile up leaves and garden waste on top of it. It will smother the grass & break down. You can top dress with finished compost or half finished. It's good when the habitat provides worm & bug hunting.

Hosta makes good shade & attracts slugs.


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I used a large plastic paint tray with large pebbles in it as a water source. And I surrounded it by slate and pebbles. It works really well.


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Mar 4, 2015
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New Orleans, Louisiana
Lets see if I can figure out how to post pics. Here's what I have so far. The walls are 16 inches high, but there is a 4inch lip around the top to prevent escapes. Also have stakes driven into the ground at a few inch intervals around the inside walls to prevent digging out. I have two terra cotta waters for now. Now I need to add some plants! Im thinking Hosta and a small hibiscus bush so far. Any other ideas? IMG_2964.jpg IMG_2965.jpg


Apr 3, 2014
I agree I have a box turtle and they are very good at escaping. They are always trying to find a way to leave. I use a mix of topsoil and peat moss it helps keep moisture in. They like to dig in to sleep. I have several plants and for water outside I have a freesebee, it's shallow and also big enough in case Tank needs to take a dip. Also he has rocks different sizes to keep the terrain interesting not just all flat.


Apr 3, 2014
Lets see if I can figure out how to post pics. Here's what I have so far. The walls are 16 inches high, but there is a 4inch lip around the top to prevent escapes. Also have stakes driven into the ground at a few inch intervals around the inside walls to prevent digging out. I have two terra cotta waters for now. Now I need to add some plants! Im thinking Hosta and a small hibiscus bush so far. Any other ideas? View attachment 124519 View attachment 124520
Looks awesome :D


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Oct 23, 2014
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This is a great start! Add Plants and cover with a area of topsoil for them to dig. I got a ton of good ideas from this site. My enclosure is full of plants and such, it has attracted many bugs and insects for them to eat on. I like what you have done so far. This is mine to help you with ideas. ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1428543076.143192.jpg


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Also you have some nice looking turtles there too.


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Mar 4, 2015
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New Orleans, Louisiana
@Abramsmytankturtle I have looked at your enclosure bunches of times! My turtles have started digging down into the grass in the enclosure, so do you think I still should add topsoil on one side or even in the entire enclosure for them to dig? So far I have added Hosta, Mondo Grass, and a small hibiscus bush. What is the really bushy grass I see in your enclosure or any of the other plants? I have searched on the safe plant lists and they are so overwhelming!! My next step is to find some of the smooth stones to put around the water dishes because my turtles really like to wedge themselves under them and dump all the water out. Updated pictures hopefully this afternoon when I get home from work! Been so busy with the turtle pen and my regular gardens around the house!


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Those clumps are blue fescue.

I personally would add some loose top soil but that's just my preference. I like the fact when they want to bury down it only takes a few minutes. Here is an overhead picture that shows the plants ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1428686230.138893.jpga lot better. You have a great enclosure area and I can't wait to see it finished.

Dean Wirth

Mar 11, 2015
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I agree with adding topsoil they like to dig to cool off and keep warm at night. Box turtles are like bulldozers, they are remarkably strong, and will topple the sturdiest of hided and water dishes, thats why i use paving stones to build hides and Ceramic pot holders for pools, I cut out a circle in a plank of wood for the pool for easier access and so they can't tunnnel under it. I am constantly amazed at the things they uproot and utterly destroy! that's part of their charm I guess.


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Aug 27, 2012
Start a compost pile and add to it all through the year. Add dead leaves and any garden waste. Watch out for grass clippings because they mat and heat up when they break down, so stir them in.

My turtles love to dig into the pile. Sometimes they bask on top of it, sometimes there're in the middle with their heads poking out.


New Member
Mar 4, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Updated pics. Planted some Mondo Grass, 2 different types of hosta, and the small hibiscus bush. I ended up buying just 5 bags of top soil to try out at first and I like it! The turtles were the most active I have seen them so far while I was in there dumping it. They immediately were checking it out. I also used an old plastic planter to make 2 hides for them for now. I am debating now whether or not I should do a layer of top soil throughout the entire enclosure or leave some natural grass. Time will tell I guess! haha.IMG_2983.jpg IMG_2984.jpg

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