Spring mix


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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same stuff in the United States and the UK is known as rocket salad

Otis Humberg

New Member
Oct 17, 2015
Thank you I just got my tortoise yesterday and I want him to live a long and healthy life. Any advice is well received

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
Hello Otis and welcome to the forum:D

Here are a few lists to give you more ideas for feeding your sulcata. I've used Spring mix and other grocery store greens often in the winter when I didn't have as much access to grass and weeds. The goal is to give your new sulcata as varied of a diet as possible with grasses and weeds taking up the LARGEST percentage of their overall diet.

Here are a few links that I've found really helpful when feeding my sulcata...

Here is a link to a diet sheet moderator Mctlong made for sulcatas. It's pinned in the sulcata section.

Here is another from Tom. He is a well-known member here who has done a lot of work with these animals over the years...

Here is a website that has a helpful list too...

*Also you will find a website called "The tortoise Table" to be really helpful as you explore different diet options for your sulcata. It is a UK based site that specializes in plants and feeding tortoises. They have an ever expanding database that has examples of tortoise diets and the best feature is that you can just plug the name of a plant into their search engine and learn if it is suitable tortoise food.


Glad you've joined the forum. You've come to a great place to learn and share:D

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
The spring mix for a Sulcato Tortoise is it the same as the organic spring mix you buy in the grocery store?

Yes, it is. It's a pretty good base to start with, but then pick out some of the spinach and add a few weeds and edible plants from outside.


New Member
Dec 6, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
San Antonio, Texas
Hello Otis and welcome to the forum:D

Here are a few lists to give you more ideas for feeding your sulcata. I've used Spring mix and other grocery store greens often in the winter when I didn't have as much access to grass and weeds. The goal is to give your new sulcata as varied of a diet as possible with grasses and weeds taking up the LARGEST percentage of their overall diet.

Here are a few links that I've found really helpful when feeding my sulcata...

Here is a link to a diet sheet moderator Mctlong made for sulcatas. It's pinned in the sulcata section.

Here is another from Tom. He is a well-known member here who has done a lot of work with these animals over the years...

Here is a website that has a helpful list too...

*Also you will find a website called "The tortoise Table" to be really helpful as you explore different diet options for your sulcata. It is a UK based site that specializes in plants and feeding tortoises. They have an ever expanding database that has examples of tortoise diets and the best feature is that you can just plug the name of a plant into their search engine and learn if it is suitable tortoise food.


Glad you've joined the forum. You've come to a great place to learn and share:D
My son and I recently adopted 2 Sulcata’s from a family that didn’t want them anymore. We are having a hard time with all of the contradictions we have found on websites that leave us more confused than informed for instance Kale and spinach are fine in some and are a NEVER in others. Another example is they only need water once a week and then others every day. My biggest problem is feeding them. They won’t eat grass or weeds and they won’t eat hay. They will eat collard greens only if they get hungry enough and i haven’t fed them anything else. All they want to eat is spring mix and have apparently been eating that for a couple of years. But now I am reading they shouldn’t have spinach and spinach is in the spring mix. They also won’t eat the store bought turtle pellets either. I have given them just grass from my yard and i bought hay and they refuse to eat either until I finally give in after a couple of days and give them spring mix because I am worried about them not eating. I have given them apples a couple of times only and rose petals a couple of times as well and they will eat those but I know you aren’t supposed to give them those as anything more than an occasional treat. Any advice on what to do with my picky eaters??

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