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New Member
Jan 1, 2014
I joined a while ago, and I think I made a few posts, but haven't been on in forever so I'll reintroduce myself. My name is Star and I currently have 2 eastern box turtles and 2 eastern box turtle eggs that were just laid this morning! My turtles are Willabee and Willow. Other than my turtles I also have a dog and 11 geckos (leopard geckos and a gargoyle gecko). I live in Minnesota so my turtles have to live indoors, but I take them out for natural sun light in the summer. My partner has had Willabee for over 20 years and we got Willow just this past winter. We wanted to breed Willabee so we can have his offspring for our pets once he passes on since we have no idea how old he is.


New Member
Jan 1, 2014
Willabee. I know his beak is over grown... we're working on it! My partner was in the navy and gone for most of 5 years, he only came home twice during that time, which was before we met, and his parents pretty much just fed Willabee and didn't do anything else for him. He's really skittish, but is getting better every day, especially since he has to be in the living room with us all the time. His favorite foods are strawberries and boiled chicken. They don't get either very often.

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Willow freshly bathed/soaked. We put them in the tub to let them get an extra good soak in about once a week. She has been extremely friendly since day 1. She even lets me pet her head, and I've never seen her go completely into her shell. She doesn't even close it all the way when she sleeps. Her favorite foods are strawberries as well, and anything that moves. She loves to hunt.


The Dog Trainer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
There was a box turtle that lived with a family in Louisiana for 182 years. Willabee doesn't look a day over 100. I think you have time...

You need to get to a reptile vet and get that beak trimmed.

Summer sun is better than no sun, but do you have a UV bulb inside? What type?

Loose on the floor is a dangerous practice. What size enclosures do they have?

Check this out:


New Member
Jan 1, 2014
They've got a uv bulb, not sure off the top of my head which kind it is. One enclosure is 4'x3' and one is 4'x2' and she was only on the floor while I was taking pics after her soak. How can a vet trim his beak if he won't come out of his shell? We've been working on it slowly, and it's getting better, but it takes a LOT a patience to trick him into coming out long enough to do anything.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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It's not always easy to get a box turtle's head out, but there are a few tricks. You can hold him pointed down towards the floor, and he MAY reach out towards the floor. When he does, you grab him behind the jaws and hold on!

Or lay him on his back and when he comes our grab him behind the jaws.

You have to be quick, because if you try and miss, he's onto you.

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