Smoke Intake?

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Mojo's Mom

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5 Year Member
May 25, 2012
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Okay everbody, I am sorry I dropped off the face of TFO for a while. I just forgot to get on it for a little bit, then...there is no easy way to say this, my house burned down.

But we got everyone out, all the animals got out, and the rest is just stuff. Yes, there is things that cannot be replaced because they represented a sliver of something that my family and I held dear in a memory, but it was a memory, which we still have.

And this is a repeat, all the animals got out, including my reptiles, my gecko (who's name still hasn't been decided quite yet, the latest two Incognito and Ocho) and then my tortoise, Mojo.

The reason while I am not just keeping this little piece of my life personal is because my tortoise was the last one, along with the person who was carrying him (or her, still don't know what "it" is, but I think it is a he) out. Any ways, is there anything I need to watch for that the smoke might have caused?

It was pretty smoky even though he ,along with the gecko, were in the farthest room from where it started. It was an electrical fire, so if there is anyone who wants to correct me because they are a professional on fire and just not tortoises, it spread very quickly in the nature of an electrical fire. It was so smoky that you couldn't see through the doorway to our basement (they were south of the doorway, but close by)

He seems perfectly fine. The hotel's manager where we are staying at said that they were both allowed to be with us, lights and everything as an exception to our situation and because they are both in tanks (Mojo is in a borrowed from my friend, and the gecko's was small enough for him to be carried out in).

We got them both lights since we couldn't grab those too. We were lent a cricket cage along with some cricket food by the same person who gave us the tank so the gecko can still eat. We also got Mojo some lettuce and blueberries and all that good stuff, along with some of that frozen stuff that he has renewed his liking to, although it still looks like barf to me.

He is healthy, along with the gecko. They both have clear eyes that aren't runny, no runny nose or crispy stuff around it. They both eat the same and they are acting normal. Mojo sometimes is a little bit more slow sometimes, but he is a nutty fruitcake. He occasionally plays dead in the water bowl we got him!:p

I suppose I should get to the point after I already finished typing my fingers off and making your eyes sore from staring at the screen for hours reading this. What I want to ask/say is:

I am glad to start posting and learning from this wonderful place again and is there any health issues that I need to watch for or address because of some possible intake of smoke, although it was very small, for both my leopard gecko and red footed tort?

Thank you in advance and thanks for reading this long and large post! :tort:


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There is a possibility of something like a respiratory infection- but tortoises are amazingly well adapted for a lot of weird stuff- the way they breathe and metabolize oxygen gives them a better than average chance of surviving a fire. I would just let it have as much fresh air as possible and watch for complications.

I am sorry for your losses, and glad everyone got out OK!


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
So sorry to hear about the fire. So glad everyone got out safe. I only had a garage fire a few years back and that sucked bad. I can't imagine what your going through. Sounds like you have some nice people around you to lend a helping hand, that's nice. Hope all stays calm and smooth for you from here on.
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