Sleeping & eating help


New Member
Jun 24, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Edinburgh, Scotland

I have a horsefield tortoise who is just under one year old. I used to feed her on things like baby gem lettuce, round lettuce, carrot & apple (occasionally as a treat). I have been trying to vary her diet and have been giving a mix of baby leaf, watercress, squash, mixed dried flowers such as dandelions (sprinkled on top of her food) as well as everything else I listed above. The only thing is my tortoise is not up for trying these foods, the only things my tort will touch is the baby gem & round lettuce and will leave everything else!! Does anyone have any suggestions on what else I can do? I don't want to just feed her on that because I know she needs a varied diet and her poo is quite loose (sorry to be disgusting but I'm worried).

Plus some days she will sleep for this normal? does anyone else's torts do this? She will always get up a day later or so, so I know she's not trying to hibernate or anything. As I say it's not all the time it's just sometimes.

Thanks for taking the time to read x


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Chop up her favorite food a little larger then the new foods you are trying to introduce to her. Mix together, spritz with water and she will have to eat the better stuff to get her fave as it will stick together. As she gets used to this, slowly put less and less of her fave, until she is eating the better stuff.
As for the sleeping, she is still young and young ones do sleep a lot, however, double check the temps. If it's too hot or too cold, this could be the cause. Also, be sure you are 40-60% humidity until around two years of age!then it can drop to 30-40 and also be sure you are soaking her at least every other day in warm water for 20-30 minutes to keep,her hydrated and that she has easy access to a shallow water dish 24/7


New Member
Jun 24, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Edinburgh, Scotland
Thank you so much for your reply! I would never have thought of doing that with her food, such a good idea! I will definitely try doing this.
Okay that's fine then I will put it down to her being young as I do soak her every other day, her temps are all fine (I have a temp gun and check it regularly throughout the day) and I have a hygrometer which usually sits between 50-60%.

Thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me! x