Sickened by Walmart

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Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
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Southern Oregon
dmmj said:
Walmart is taking fish out of more and more stores.

i think this is a great idea although, i have not yet seen a walmart without a live fish department...then again i dont go to many. lol

austinSOLO said:
i think walmart should stick to selling SUPPLIES and not ANIMALS

the more you try to spread yourself out (walmart) the thinner you are spread.


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5 Year Member
Oct 4, 2012
The WalMart in my area is the same way! We went in there one day and, of course, they had the Beta in those tiny containers that only had about an inch of water in there. Poor little fish. :/ WalMart needs to hire people to work specifically in the pet department (they don't at my store) who will maintain the habitats. It drives me bonkers that all the fish are displayed in 10 gallon tanks when half of them require a 20 gallon for just itself or itself and a few other fish.


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Jun 25, 2012
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Walmart also runs out local small businesses that have been there forever. Like the time I was in Cody Wyoming there is a Walmart that got moved to a bigger store and when we went on the tour he told us that it is running out all the small local businesses. Some are GOOD pet stores.


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Jun 1, 2012
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Hmm, apparently I'm the only one that is going to comment with a bit of positive, BUT... the Walmart about five minutes walking distance away from me actually takes pretty decent care of their fish. Yes, the tanks are tiny and way overcrowded, but the fish actually look pretty healthy, and the tanks are obviously cleaned very often. If I go over in that area, the same guy is always over their helping people with fish almost every time and he is actually pretty knowledgeable. I would still never buy fish from walmart since I have an amazing fish store about 30 minutes drive away, but they aren't doing a bad job there, compared to some walmarts.


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Feb 9, 2011
StudentoftheReptile said:
Here's an hilarious (albeit cruel from the fish's POV) story about Walmart.

Back when I was still working at my LPS (which, despite its faults, was and still is phenomenally better than most petstores Ive been in), I had to stop by Failmart one day on the way home from work. I had my few items and got in line. I noticed the girl in front of me had some fish she had gotten from the pet dept. As she was checking out, the cashier instructed her to, as she exited the store, to hold her fish high when she passed through the anti-theft detector things, because "apparently" a lot of Walmart customers complained that their fish died on the way home, and the powers that be somehow surmised that the culprit was that the anti-theft machines emitted some kind of pulse or whatever that affected or stunned the fish as people walked out of the store.

I literally laughed out loud when I heard the cashier explaining all this. After all, the fish mortality couldn't possibly be the horrible conditions Walmart keeps them in or simply the fact that most people are morons and drive home with their fish sitting on their hot dashboards. But then the only solution these corporate geniuses came up with is to have people hold their fish over their heads like loonies as they walk out the store. As I pointed to the large logo of my LPS on my shirt, I simply told the girl that she should start buying her fish from us where we actually know what we're doing, and she wouldn't worry about looking silly carrying her fish over her head when she leaves.

LOL, that is sadly hilarious. *sigh*
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