Russians Legs chewed to bone NEED HELP!!

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I'm glad he's doing so well! Its horrible to lose your animals...big or small, cold blooded or not, they are beloved pets.

That's so WEIRD about the rat. I guess it is just nature. In all my years of having reptiles, we have not had an incident...I had small lizards, boxies, and leo geckos with dogs and cats in the house. No one was ever hurt....

Rodents are odd. I'm sure that your rat was well fed, and there were probably better things laying around for him to put into his mouth, but yet, he chose your sad.

Even if your Russian ends up with a set of wheels, he will be able to be a normal tortoise to an extent...Keep us updated!

Good luck


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Sad to say this, but I'm willing to bet he loses that right front leg. Just looks too damaged. Exposed bone tends to die in animals, even humans, and fall off helping the skin grow back over the wound and protect it from infection. The left one has a chance at making it from the looks of it. Hopefully the worst case scenario is he picks up the nickname Tripod. I'd like to sick my Rat Terrier after that rat...

Maggie Cummings

I have raised several animals who had limbs chewed off. Right now I have a pond turtle who has 2.5 legs and an Ornate box turtle who is missing a back leg. They both get around fine. The pond turtle is in 5 inches of water because she can't swim, but she is a sweet turtle even tho she was wild when she lost her legs she has never once tried to bite me I just adore her.

You can help your animal with the pain. If you ask your Vet to prescribe the pain killer Metacam, reptiles do very well on it and I have used it on several rescues who had pain please ask your Vet about the Metacam...


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Dani, I have nothing to offer except my well wishes to Wilson and to you. What a horrible thing for you both to have to go through. Sorry to the Rat also as I know he will never be looked at by you or your family, as the loving rodent he could have been. Best thought to you and Wilson.


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Jan 16, 2009
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Well, it's been a long week for our family....three vet visits and alot of hoping and praying, Wilson took a turn for the worse yesterday and died overnight. We found him this morning in his favorite basking spot. It is sad but it's better that he's not suffering. Thanks to all who responded to my post!!!

Since joining this forum, I seem to have gotten a fever....the tortoise fever!! LOL I have been pouring through all the old posts and looking at the pictures and we have decided to add some new members to our tortoise family. I bought a bunch of new stuff to make a new tort table and still have Wilson's so we have room for a couple. I have also been inspired by everyone's outdoor enclosures and can't wait for better weather so I can put my hubby to good use!!! :) I can't wait to find some new additions to our family!!!!


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I am very sorry for your loss. It is better that Wilson is not suffering, but it must be very hard for your family.

Where are you located? There may be a Herp society near you that has tortoises for adoption.


Yvonne G

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Oh my! I'm so very sorry.



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Im so sorry to hear about your loss , Wilson is in a better place !! My thoughts are with you .
My Royal Python died last year after i had some real bad advice from a reptile shop and when my girlfriend bought me a new snake i named it DIME after my beloved lost snake. I think that Dime lives on through my new snake , so maybe you could call your new tort (THAT YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY GOING TO GET!!) "Wilson" in memory of your lost baby.
Thinking of you!! XX

Maggie Cummings

I am so sorry that you lost him. It really bothered me that he was hurt so bad and I read the posts everyday looking for an update and praying for good news. I am so sorry...this is just awful


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Sorry to hear of your loss but I am glad it has not turned you away from being a tort nut! As we have said on here many times, torts are like potato chips, it's hard to stop at just one.


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Jan 4, 2008
I am very surprised to vet didn't recommend putting him down. My cat had a small fracture in her hip and they wanted to put her to sleep. She got better in like 3 weeks.


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I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I too have been checking this post for progress on your little tort. I am thinking of your family.




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Jan 16, 2009
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I too was suprised that the vet didn't prefer euthanizing! I was also suprised that Wilson seemed to be taking everything in stride....the vet visits, constant poking and prodding, the soaks, the meds and throughout the week all signs were good that he was going to survive. :(
Wednesday was his last vet appt and he said all looked good and then Thursday he didn't eat and kinda looked listless. We found him Friday a.m.! Now I wish we would have insisted on putting him down as it's hard to think that we made him suffer a whole week!!


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I am sorry for your loss, but don't kick yourself. Unfortunately we don't speak tort, so they have trouble telling us what they want/need. We watch body language and behavior and ask questions and read the experienced suggestions and advise here. If they act right, eat good and follow closely to their normal routine we assume they are doing okay. It is easy to monday morning quarterback every decision we make. Life is about making decisions, learning from the outcome and doing it better the next time. That is all we can do. I wish I could give you a hug, cause that always makes me feel better.



The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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I was saddened to hear about your tort, but when you do everyhting that you can do, there is not much more to do. sometimes unfortunatly they die, even though he looked good. I to have several water turtles that were turned in over the years with a missing limb here or there, (from raccoons), We must not blame the rat it is only doing what rats do, while we can be angry with it I am glad no harm came to it. :) as for being in pain they unfortunatly can't yelp or whine or whimper when they are in pain, I am suprised the vet did not prescribe some type of low level pain med for it, it is easy for most people to think turtle and torts dont fell pain because we never hear them complain. Best wishes and get a new tort when you fel like it. Best wishes, David


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Dani, So sorry to hear about Wilson's passing. I know when you lose a loved one, be it two legged or four, we often go back over in our minds what we could have done better for them. But Know in your heart that you did all you could and I am sure he is smiling down on you now knowing he was loved. Hugs to you and your family.
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