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Dropped your culturettes, tubes, and form at the post office tonight. Should go out tomorrow morning. One thing, you don't use the transport media that comes in the sleeve w/ the culturettes, discard those. The swabs go right into the red top tube just like in the video.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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deadheadvet said:
Dropped your culturettes, tubes, and form at the post office tonight. Should go out tomorrow morning. One thing, you don't use the transport media that comes in the sleeve w/ the culturettes, discard those. The swabs go right into the red top tube just like in the video.

Can I be snoopy and ask what your testing for?


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Thanks Dr Evan. I really hope that some members would have their animals checked like I'm doing. Really, it's not a lot to have 3 sulcatas tested as a group, and one tested separately for for a grand total of $128.00! And the peace of mind is all worth it!

It was great speaking with you doctor:)

Intranucleus Coccidosis. Even Ms. Piggy is being tested individually, of course. My other three are being tested as a group since I have less to worry about them. They're healthy, and aside from parasites, they can be tested as a group. Dr Evan shows us how a swab should be taken on YouTube.
Jacqui said:
deadheadvet said:
Dropped your culturettes, tubes, and form at the post office tonight. Should go out tomorrow morning. One thing, you don't use the transport media that comes in the sleeve w/ the culturettes, discard those. The swabs go right into the red top tube just like in the video.

Can I be snoopy and ask what your testing for?


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Do we need a link to the YouTube, or is it public?
I am thinking of having my 3 tested.

Oh, and prayers for Ms Piggy. Those soft eyes of hers certainly do tug at the heartstrings.


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AnnV said:
Do we need a link to the YouTube, or is it public?
I am thinking of having my 3 tested.

Oh, and prayers for Ms Piggy. Those soft eyes of hers certainly do tug at the heartstrings.

deadheadvet said:
Here are the links on You tube on how to do a cloacal swab for submitting samples. The tortoises I demo'ed with was a female which is much easier. Males will require more patience for them to show their cloaca with their longer tail. Keep that in mind.


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The YouTube video is on the Intraneculear Coccidosis thread.

Thanks a bunch Jaizei:)
jaizei said:
AnnV said:
Do we need a link to the YouTube, or is it public?
I am thinking of having my 3 tested.

Oh, and prayers for Ms Piggy. Those soft eyes of hers certainly do tug at the heartstrings.

deadheadvet said:
Here are the links on You tube on how to do a cloacal swab for submitting samples. The tortoises I demo'ed with was a female which is much easier. Males will require more patience for them to show their cloaca with their longer tail. Keep that in mind.

I just want to say that I appreciate all the well wishers. Ms. Piggy is so loved by her original rescuer, Maria (user name Sissyofone). Maria couldn't care for her in the way that she needed. She tried for two months when she honored me with her precisious Ms. Piggy to do what she couldn't. I'm not doing anything that she wasn't already doing for her except to take her to the vet and have test run on her. I feel for Maria because she's suffering even more than I am right now. It took a loving momma to give up her precious girl so that she could have a chance to live! Thank you Maria xoxo


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Sibi, I don't hold grudges. Well, unless I have been wronged big time and that can't really be done on a forum:D. I sure hope Maria does understand how much love it took to give up Ms Piggy. I hope she realizes that she did the right thing, hard to do, but was right and unselfish, with only Ms Piggy's best chance being the main issue. We are all pulling for Ms Piggy. I want to hear about the three of you celebrating with a happy dance:D. Fingers crossed.


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I usually don't follow these threads because bad outcomes bum me out for a couple of days... guess I'm just too sensitive. But once I saw those pics... ugh.... I can't help myself!!

Please, please save Miss Piggy!! I'm praying for you and Maria and of course that precious tort. You're such a good soul to take this on. I really believe there is a special place in heaven for animal lovers... I'll take my seat in the cool tortie section please:cool:

Keep us updated, please! :)


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Yhank you so much WinterRose. I'm so glad you responded. Keep doing that because it helps to cushion the blows of the reality of life with all its pains. I'm going back to the vet today and we're gonna address this funny nose and mucus problem once and for all. Then, I'll update everyone again.

I just wanted to add, I, myself, can't save her...only God could. He uses me to help animals and people alike.
WinterRose said:
I usually don't follow these threads because bad outcomes bum me out for a couple of days... guess I'm just too sensitive. But once I saw those pics... ugh.... I can't help myself!!

Please, please save Miss Piggy!! I'm praying for you and Maria and of course that precious tort. You're such a good soul to take this on. I really believe there is a special place in heaven for animal lovers... I'll take my seat in the cool tortie section please:cool:

Keep us updated, please! :)


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I wanted to tell everyone from the bottom of my heart Thank You All soo much for your prayers. And Ms. Sylvia You Are An Angel. I dont know where i would be at mentally, this moment if it wasnt for you. I Thank God for allowing us to cross paths. I Love Piggy so much. And you for All for all you've done and are still doing. Piggy is most definitly a little fighter i just pray she has the strength left to pull through this. I promised Ms Sylvia id walk to Florida to do the Happy Dance with her. :)


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I know you would Maria. This morning, Ms. Piggy spent about an hour on my chest while I snoozed. She actually warmed my heart, literally. I was feeling cold and her little warm body was heating me up. Isn't that a change around? Anyway, she's still not eating, and her mucus is thicker and yellowish. So, I'm pretty sure she has an uri. Depending on her kidneys, I would hope she can be put on antibiotics. It it can wait until the blood work is repeated on Tuesday, so we know if her kidneys are working, I would prefer that. But, she's up against two bad things, either which could kill her. I'll keep you posted.


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Ms Piggy saw the vet today and has already won their hearts. One tech came in the room where I was waiting for Ms.Piggy to say, "She REALLY is sweet." Everyone at the vet hosp. has gotten to know us because they see us everyday. Even the clerk up front said, "We're hoping for a miracle."

Ms. Piggy received her first shot of antibiotics. She has an upper respitory infection (uri). She's still not eating, although she's gaining weight. She's retaining the fluids from the therapy which means she may be expelling a little of it. I don't know exactly how much fluids they're giving her, otherwise, I'd simply subtract the fluid amount from the gained weight. That would tell me how much she's expelling. I think I'll get that tomorrow. I hope the antibiotic shot starts to help her. Otherwise, everything remains the same.


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Pulling for Piggy Pye. And I'm hoping and Praying for a miracle also. {{{HUGS}}} to you both.


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Thanks Maria. I'm keep her real warm and humid in her enclosure. That should help to clear out her mucus. She should start to feel better by the weekend. I can't wait to find out what her new bloodwork reveals. I hope it's good news. Don't worry Maria...she's a fighter.


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Ms Piggy sounds like a real sweetheart! I hope and pray she gets thru this! Good luck to you and your special girl!! Hugs to you both!!


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Once again, Ms. Piggy got her fluid therapy. The crew ay the hosp. all await her visit each day. Today I was about 15 minutes late, and all the techs were asking, where was Ms. Piggy. Ms. Piggy came back to me after her treatment, and I noticed she had tears or some liquid in her eyes. One eye looked glassy. I don't think I like what it, although the crew thought she was gaining weight. What if she's just retaining all this fluid but she's not expelling any? Tomorrow, she continues her fluid treatment and gets her second antibiotic injection. Poor Ms. Piggy! She's been getting shots everyday for almost a week.

Well that the update. Still she doesn't eat, drink, or defecate.


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So sad to think of a tear in her eye:(. Poor thing. I sure wish a big change for the good would happen for the tuff little girl.


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:( I noticed before Ms Sylvia while she was still here that she would feel real light when id pick her up but after a soak she felt a good lil bit heavier. I couldn't stand the thought of her crying. Im praying shes gonna be fine as you know. Im praying hard. I really want a miracle for her. Fingers, and Toes crossed. Thank you again .