Redfoot Pinkies


Feb 10, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Lancashire, Blackpool
Hi all, looking at the ideal diet for my Redfooted Tortoise, I found a lot of people recommending different sources of protein; I've found that my tortoise enjoys both hard boiled eggs, and as of yesterday, pinkie mice.

I have two main questions. First of all, how much protein should my tortoise have in one sitting? Initially I gave my tortoise a whole boiled egg sliced up, she ate about half of it. However it looks to me like she gorged, as 30 minutes later there was a pile of half chewed egg in the corner. Now as I understand, redfoots generally dont tend to over eat, and this may have been a reaction to the first time being presented with protein(probably in her life). Also the pinkie mice I got from my local pet store (excuse my ignorance, this is my first reptilian pet)are about the size of a jelly baby, will one of these a week be enough? My tortoise weighs 82g.

Also, those of you who have fed your tortoise animal protein, I was under the impression she would nibble at it with her beak. As it happened, she ripped it in half and ate it similar to how a snake would, she looked to struggle while initially digesting, cramming it down her neck! Is this normal behaviour for tortoises, or was she simply excited/frustrated(she did try to chew/rip before just swallowing), should I chop it up in future? leave it partially frozen? Tips would be great, as she seemed to enjoy it.


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At its size, tearing the pinkie is normal. So is trying to wolf it down. When it is larger, it will swallow them whole. I would let it tear it up as it sees fit.

Do NOT leave it partially frozen. One pinkie once a week should be more than enough even as an adult. The amount can be increased for adult females immediately prior to egg laying to offset the protein requirement for vitellogenesis.


Feb 10, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Lancashire, Blackpool
Thanks for the quick response HLogic, as far as diet goes, would you recommend just the one pinkie a week as a steady diet choice. I like the idea that the more of a natural environment I create for my Redfoot (Simulating carrion with Pinkies) the better, however a lot of people recommend boiled eggs, due to the low fat content, high protein value and cleanliness. In summary Pinkies vs Boiled eggs for overall health?


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May 31, 2010
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Florida, USA
I would go with pinkies. You will find that eggs are not always tolerated well - as demonstrated by the regurgitated egg you noted. Of course, an entire egg for a small tort is a considerable amount. Another positive in favor of pinkies is differentiated organ tissues. Eggs do not have this. I firmly believe they do not consume as much animal protein in the form of carrion as is suggested. The much more likely source is carnivore excrement.

Michael in MO

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5 Year Member
Feb 19, 2013
I use shrimp (I buy raw and boil so there's no salt or seasoning), shrimp (unlike egg or boiled chicken) have never been turned down. I have access to pinkies but have never tried them as I like to use my torts as an excuse to treat myself to shrimp (too expensive to buy JUST for me) or to encourage healthy eating fruits and veggies


Feb 10, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Lancashire, Blackpool
I use shrimp (I buy raw and boil so there's no salt or seasoning), shrimp (unlike egg or boiled chicken) have never been turned down. I have access to pinkies but have never tried them as I like to use my torts as an excuse to treat myself to shrimp (too expensive to buy JUST for me) or to encourage healthy eating fruits and veggies
I have to admit, ever since having my redfoot, I have been eating a lot better! I never thought of using fish, I wasn't sure how her stomach would cope with seafood, I know a few people give their tortoise tuna as an alternative.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I think I have given all of the above, except for dog food to my redfoots. Not just the pinkies, but also adult mice (dead ones of course).


Nov 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Clearwater, FL
I give a little boiled egg yolk, the white has very little nutritional value. I've never had a bad reaction to the yolk.


Oct 14, 2014
I have also used high quality cat food -- a few pieces of kibble soaked in warm water for my littlest guy Che, and a handful soaked in warm water for my bigger crew Chava, Chico, and Manny.

Heather B

5 Year Member
Jan 26, 2015
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My two adult reds LOVE pinkies. I heat them in a cup of hot water as I get them frozen. Each get two small mice about once a month. The larger one would steal the smaller one's share so I hand each their share with long pinchers. The bigger of the two(about six years old) inhales them and would eat as many as she was given sitting there with her mouth agape begging for more. The smaller (about four years) lifts himself up on all four high as he can and rams his shell into the offered mouse until he is good and sure it is dead! So funny to watch their personalities.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
The smaller (about four years) lifts himself up on all four high as he can and rams his shell into the offered mouse until he is good and sure it is dead! So funny to watch their personalities.

Lol I can visualize that! Must be very entertaining to watch.