Received Food Tort From ED - Please Help


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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did you receive my PM about the seeds? What your answer?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2014
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South Florida
Just a note on the feeding
I am working with a little deformed redfoot currently. She was fed wrong and had MBD. Her plastron was soft when I got her a few months back.
When I mix her food I use an ULU - wooden chopping bowl. I put in the food she needs to be eating. Like-
Couple wet pieces of mazuri
Small piece of boiled egg
Green bean
A pinch of cooked squash
A bit of cooked chicken.

Then I chop it all together till it's almost mush. I put a spoonful on a paving tile and put her right in front of it. She eats well now.

I put the leftovers in the fridge for next feeding.
It stays well for days that way. Even wey mazuri will spoil out of fridge.
She doesn't get same things in mush every time. But it's similar enough
I usually feed her 2x / day this way. It is making her more active and stronger.

Good fortune with yours.


Tortoise Club
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That's a good tip from Mike.
I forgot to mention that I make up a batch of Mazuri and store it in the fridge. It lasts for at least 3 days. No need to throw away the uneaten part.
I also serve it cold right out of the refrigerator, too.

Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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Thanks your help gentlemen. I did put leftovers in the fridge. I cannot by any means keep throwing away food for.....torts that one cannot find here.

Kapidolo Farms

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Hi everyone. Breaking News: I finally received the the tort food that Ed had sent me! Thanks so much for your help Ed.5th Sept 2015: a day to remember. Ed was generous enough to send me:
-calcium powder
cup diet - forest tort/adult
as well as a nice little dish for Oli.
Here I need help as soon as possible; as I have never seen such food before; so please excuse my ignorance in this field. Thank you all.
How is the above food to be given to a tort? Which comes first? How and where is the food to be stored? And at what temp?
Help, tips and suggestions would be highly appreciated, the sooner the better. Thank you.

I've read this thread and can't sort out what is "cup diet - forest tort/adult" do you mean ZooMed Forest?

I like using the ZooMed Grassland when I find a good enough deal (That Pet Place promotional price). If this is what you are talking about. soaking with warm, but not hot water is a good idea. They put active cultures in their food, and it's my understanding boiling water will greatly reduce their count.

There is no reliable scientific paper that suggests they are a good thing in the first place, the whole gut biota/Biome interest in human health is not well sorted out let alone tortoises. I do however want to preserve this aspect of that diet, it has not caused any apparent harm to any of my tortoises fed the ZooMed pellets.



Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
It's an instant, just add water meal.
My wife bought them for me and my tortoises turned up their noses at it. I tossed them in the box just to see if Oli liked it...(different species )
They are plastic cups with cubed, semi gelatinous gray blocks of about 6mm in size. Maybe an ounce per cup.
I think they are Eco-Terra brand.
The Mazuri was the important part. The food cups are just a possible treat for him.

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