Product Design - A Level Project, HELP PLEASE

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Apr 7, 2013

Im currently in my last year of college and studying Product design at A-Level. For my final year I have developed my own tortoise pen and require feedback for the coursework, was wondering if someone could give me there honest opinion and possible improvements.

The whole idea behind the pen is that vivariums are dangerous and can be known to cause the tortoise alot of problems therefore i have created an open aired tortoise pen, with a removable panel so that the substrate can be changed with ease. The pen also comes with an interactive panel of which the user can write in a whiteboard marker when to change the tortoises substrate. I also made the two bowls as well using a vacuum former these have been designed so that the tortoise cannot tip them over making a mess.

I have a 3 year old Herman tortoise and this is him in my product, the product has been made to scale due to shortage of materials so is 20% smaller than the actual product would be.

Comments will be greatly appreciated





Thanks Sam


5 Year Member
Aug 4, 2012
It seems a little small for a tortoise that size.

Yvonne G

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Hi Sam, and welcome to the Forum!

I'm not good with numbers and percentages, so I'm just going to give you my feedback on the current size. I don't know if 20% bigger would still be big enough or not.

The tort table, as is, is way too small for a tortoise of that size. The sides are too short. If he tried, he could easily stand on his back legs, reach the top of a wall and pull himself over.

The overhang is not a good enough hiding place. Tortoises like to feel snug and secure when they go in their hiding place.

The food dish is ok, however, the waterer needs to be big enough for the whole tortoise's body to fit inside, as they like to sometimes sit in the water.

I LOVE the wall mount for the lights. Lights need to be mounted or hanging so that they point straight down, not at the angle that the clamp fixtures provide.

In my opinion, tortoises belong outside. I realize that in most climates in the world, this is not possible during the winter months. If your tort table were bigger, with taller sides and a better hiding place, it would be sufficient for winter time, as long as he spends summers outside.

Do you have a UVB light in one of those fixtures?

(Your tortoise is very beautiful!)


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5 Year Member
Apr 7, 2013

Thanks for your comments, Yes the lamps have special bulbs one is a uv-b and the other is a uv-a bulb. Thankyou so much for your comments they will used to further develop my product. The tortoise is not to be kept in here as this is just a prototype to resemble what my design would look like so don't worry about my tortoise well fare haha :) he roams the garden in the summer months.

Thankyou for your help


5 Year Member
Mar 30, 2013
Great comments emysemys~

Shweeler4 that looks like a 2-2.5' by 1.5' maybe 6-8" height enclosure. That's tiny even by hatchling means.

Not sure if you use coil uvbs in your own enclosures and not just your project ones but the forum consensus is that you should avoid using these potential problem makers. Can't stress that enough.

No humid box, should always have at least one for even the smallest enclosures.

question: what are you trying to prove on this project? are you trying to improve certain aspects of the general tortoise table? I don't understand, because this seems like an ordinary design for one minus the little overhang I assume you're using for a place to write on.


5 Year Member
Mar 23, 2013
I think it is just intended to be a product design example for a class....

The product should be twice as large minimum, with a real hide, and I'd build sunken cutout for water bowl and food tray. Bowl needs to be big enough to fit whole tortoise.

Much higher walls are a must.

The the fixtures cannot safely accommodate mvb bulbs. Needs to have a wider reflector.

Where do you get bulbs that offer UVA and UVB separate? Why? Would it not make more sense to combine? Do you honestly expect to build new light bulbs?

A nice all in one unit should be flat packed, large enough to be useful, with a built in power strip/outlet and even timers. There is a market for something people could easily assemble and have it be all in one or close to.

Honestly a good way to market would be to make it modular. Allow for easy expansion, lids, light modules, heat modules, etc


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While I love those fixtures (much nicer looking than the standard Zoomed black ones I have hanging off of metal stands), they appear to not be movable, is that correct? Being able to adjust the height of the lights is very important, if needed. Between the change of seasons, I find I have to adjust the height of my lights to ensure proper temperature, so having them fixed like that wouldn't work very well!


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5 Year Member
Mar 7, 2013
swheeler4 said:
The whole idea behind the pen is that vivariums are dangerous and can be known to cause the tortoise alot of problems therefore i have created an open aired tortoise pen, with a removable panel so that the substrate can be changed with ease. The pen also comes with an interactive panel of which the user can write in a whiteboard marker when to change the tortoises substrate. I also made the two bowls as well using a vacuum former these have been designed so that the tortoise cannot tip them over making a mess.

I have a 3 year old Herman tortoise and this is him in my product, the product has been made to scale due to shortage of materials so is 20% smaller than the actual product would be.

Substrate changes don't need to be performed with such frequency that a removable panel would be necessary. Properly maintained mulch, for example, can last ~2 years without needing to be replaced.

The dry-erase board seems nice for quick notes, I guess, but is inadequate for the purposes of record keeping. You'd still need a physical notebook to track things like weight, length, diet, etc.

It's incredibly small, even up-scaled 20%. Something like 5 feet long, 3 feet wide would be more adequate for the European species, if still a little small for an adult. The sides need to be at least three times as high. Escapes do happen.

I like the look of the lights, but their function could be greatly improved if they were on an adjustable track of some sort. Put each light on an independent track so they can be adjusted vertically, and it would be ****. Also, I'm not sure how those metal fixtures will handle the high wattage of a MVB.

The hide has potential, but needs to be enclosed. Think along the lines of an actual box, but with a door. Add a hinged top for easy access, and it'd be perfect.

The dishes suck, honestly. Terracotta saucers are perfect for water, really, and they can be flushed with the substrate. Paper plates are great for food; cheap and disposable. Also, neither can be tipped! Don't reinvent the wheel.


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I really like it!!! :)
I dont think the dishes suck!(a bit harsh)
I feel like some of the comments are not very nice at all!! Wow! You want opinions, not bashing!

Anyway, good luck with your project!!


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5 Year Member
Mar 7, 2013
He needs feedback for his graduation project, not candy coated niceties. I tried to address every problem that I saw, just as his professor probably will. Don't accuse me of being "not nice" and "bashing" his project when I'm giving my (solicited) honest opinion to hopefully help him get a better grade. I've gotten much worse feedback on far less important work from my college professors.


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5 Year Member
Apr 7, 2013
Thanks for your comments guys, the product is only a prototype to test some different aspects all your comments will be used in my coursework, all feedback is welcome positive and negative :)

Keep the comments coming may need a few more positive haha for my strengts and weaknesses section ;)

Thanks Sam


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5 Year Member
Apr 7, 2013
Thankyou for your comments Steve feedback is all I need, your comments are greatly appreciated and will be used as constructive criticism.


5 Year Member
Mar 30, 2013
agreed. If he's gonna be comparing his "improved" design of a tortoise table compared to the bare basic ones, it's not really doing anyone any justice. The dimensions aren't correct and the extra features aren't exactly too useful. (I use my computer to log my tortoise weight, bulb replacement dates, food entries and so on*)

I would suggest building a modified wooden chest with passable dimensions like maybe 4' by 2.5'
Have the lighting fixtures installed into the top cover and make the latches easily removable. The reason for this is to allow owners with little yard space to be able to bring their tortoises out for some sunshine now and then. I would also cut the inner corners of the top cover and install chicken wire so the tortoises would have adequate ventilation and still have a good amount of humidity control as a closed enclosure.

Optional plexiglass viewing window and other cosmetic features if needed.

This is some of the ideas I plan on using for my third table. When I find the time to start it that is.


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5 Year Member
Apr 7, 2013
All feedback is welcome positive and negative as it is simply a prototype testing some different aspects. I have to do a write up on the strengths and weaknesses of my product and possible improvements. It is clear that the pen needs to be scaled up that can easily be amended, a possible improvement would be to design lamp mount so that the height of the lamps can be adjusted. I feel the comment about the bowl was a little harsh haha seeing as I have terracotta bowls in my other pen and my tortoise is often flipping his food bowl by standing the the rim of it. The Interactive panel comes complete with a 'QR' reader which can be used with smartphone it is essentially a web address, the web address will contain a diary to log information about the tortoise and how to care for your tortoise. I am planning on print screening some of your comments as evidence of your opinions, would anyone object to this?

Are there any aspects of the product which work well or you like? for example the aesthetics of the product?

Thanks For you comments keep them coming,



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5 Year Member
Apr 7, 2013
Thanks for all your comments guys, all feedback is welcome positive and negative. For my coursework I have to write an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses along with further improvements. I aim to screen shot some of your comments and use these in my write up, would anyone object to this?

It is clear that the pen is not large enough but this can easily be addressed as it is a prototype. Further improvements would be to make the lamps height adjustable and improve the corner cover.

The interactive panel contains a QR reader for smartphones which send the user to a web address of which the user can use an on line diary ect.

Are there any aspects which work well or anything in particular you like for example the aesthetics?

Thanks Sam

Keep your comments coming


The Dog Trainer
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swheeler4 said:
The whole idea behind the pen is that vivariums are dangerous and can be known to cause the tortoise alot of problems therefore i have created an open aired tortoise pen, with a removable panel so that the substrate can be changed with ease.

I agree with all of the above comments. Well, most of the above comments, but not Amy's.

My biggest issue, however, is with the above sentence. Your whole design is based on a false premise. Nothing wrong with a large tortoise table for adults of some species, but vivariums are for superior for babies and most species. They are most certainly not dangerous and actually help to provide ideal conditions for growing healthy babies. I would suggest leaving that wording out of any final drafts.

My issues mirror everyone else's and are as follows:
1. Much to small. 20% bigger is still much too small.
2. Sides are way too low.
3. No where to hide and no humid hide.
4. I don't like sand as a substrate, even mixed with soil. Eye irritant and impaction risk.
5. Those bowls are unsuitable. Too slick and not big enough.
6. The light fixtures look very appealing, but are not suitable for MVBs or CHEs which is what most people will use.

Tortoise keeping is an art form and everybody has their own preferences and opinions. It is quite a challenge to design a one-size-fits-all design that will have mass appeal. I wish you good luck and hope the feedback helps.


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I don't completely agree with you Tom. Yes, vivs have their place, but species such as horsfields or hermann's would not thrive in them-too high humdity and not enough of a temp gradient. Yes it can be done given adequate ventilation, but species that require temps at night which are room temp like the majority of the Testudo genus will not do well in a viv. I have kept one of my youngest reds before in an open top and had nothing but smooth growth.


5 Year Member
Nov 10, 2010
Instead of just using the sliding panel for removing substrate, you should put it on both sides, and make these into modular blocks. As your tortoise grows, you can buy another block, and it would attach easily to the old one.

Most premade enclosures get outgrown pretty quickly, and then people pretty much start making their own. Big enclosures are hard to ship and aren't carried by retail stores.


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5 Year Member
Apr 7, 2013
This is a genius Idea!! So that walls could be added and removed deepening on the tortoise until gradually getting a massive pen that the user can all clip together, this could also be flat packed and assembled by the customer. Should go on dragons den with it haha, maybe a small market though


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Hi Sam,

How are you? I am an industrial designer myself as well, and your project seemed pretty fun...I wished I had a project like this when I was in school. Being a designer, it's tempting to design a perfect tortoise home that fits everyone's need, so I have done a quick mock-up design based on your ideas and my personal tortoise care experience. Many forum members have already giving you valuable inputs on your design, and hope my ideas can help solve some of the issues with your design. Again, it's not a perfect design, but that what we designers do right...finding problems and deliver workable solutions to fix the problems... :D


I will be working on a water dish solutions in a moment to see if I can use your ideas and modify a bit to make more suitable for the tortoises.
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