Poor Misty. . .


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5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2015
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Oh, I wouldn't do the patella surgery if that's what it is. Mine did find without her's, both back legs having it. The ACL, well spent big bucks for that dog, my Bull Terrier I have now, to have the extensive surgery to give her 90% normal. Yeah, lucky if she's 75% and if she plays hard one day, the rest of that day and the next she can barely lift her leg stair height. I do think you should find out what it is, patella, ACL or hip, but getting her on the low side of her preferred weight and some more babying and baby aspirin or a pain med when she over does it might be the better money spent.
I had a neo with a luxating patella , probably 150lbs , just one leg . she lived to 12yrs without ever getting it fixed , it lessened in occurrence as she got older , probably due to arthritic changes , remodeling , keeping it in place ........ if misty's problem is a luxating patella , you should be able to straighten her leg out as you pop it back in , the pain should diminish and go away quickly after it's back in ...... it would be odd at her age to suddenly acquire luxating patellas , unless it was an injury , a tear or partial tear , most patella problems are genetic/developmental .......... if it's ligament in her knee , someone with experience will be able to indentify it through a physical exam ........ the crating method of getting them functional takes a loooooooong time , you need to be careful of relapse , it happens when you think it's better , i'd say it need 6months to a year ........ a tplo surgery done by an experienced vet is most likely the way to go ..... I know a guy did the piano wire surgery and did competitive weight pull with his dog afterwards , the dog lived to be an old dog too ....... if it's her hip , nsaids , I'd recommend rimadyl , some folks prefer to use metacam or deramaxx , and rehab ...... in the short term cosequin , phycox , adequan , msm or any natural remedy I've ever used worked about as well as just waiting for it to get better it'self , at least that's been my experience ...... definitely no hard running and cutting for 5-6 months , dogs that don't get regular vigorous exercise , are the ones who get hurt in these short bursts of intense exercise .......

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