Please help my kid out


May 2, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Canadian Prairie
I know this isn't about a turtle or tortoise but other kids have really been harassing my son about his name lately I was hoping maybe some people would have something nice to say about him his name so he can actually see that it is just people being jerks. His name is Remmy. He is 11.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
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New Jersey
Remmy - a modern spelling of Remy. Latin/French-originating name similar to words for Oarsman or Remedy. Both suggesting strength, potency, success.

Fewer than 600 people in the U.S. are named Remmy - which is really cool! Every time anyone says your name, they're saying you are Unique and Cool and Strong.

I know that at 11, kids want and need to fit in. But Remmy is a great name for someone who will be an artist or other Public, "branded" entity. And it's very romantic - which will come in handy later on as well when you want someone Special to remember you! =DD

Children whose empathetic and compassionate education are being neglected will ultimately have a hard time fitting in and succeeding as adults. Bullies feel left out their whole lives. Feel sorry for them. You are strong enough and cool enough to get through this (temporary) time.


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I think that is a very cool and unique name. He should be very proud to have an uncommon name.
Let him know, there are many different names out there. Only the jealous ones would have a problem.
I have a brother inlaw named Godfried and one Renaat. Very different names but never was a second thought ever given to how different they are in a bad way.
My my hub also has an Uncle Remmy. He is Canadian.


The Dog Trainer
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Its not about his name. Its about him. They are bullies and they sense a weakness. Remmy is a fine name. Nothing wrong or even unusual about it.

Without seeing and understand a whole lot of the variables at work, its hard to say what the best course of action would be.


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5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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That's a great name
I know this isn't about a turtle or tortoise but other kids have really been harassing my son about his name lately I was hoping maybe some people would have something nice to say about him his name so he can actually see that it is just people being jerks. His name is Remmy. He is 11.
Kids just pick on each other sometimes because they themselves feel inferior and insecure. Bullies all do.

Krista S

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 4, 2019
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I know this isn't about a turtle or tortoise but other kids have really been harassing my son about his name lately I was hoping maybe some people would have something nice to say about him his name so he can actually see that it is just people being jerks. His name is Remmy. He is 11.
Hi Remmy. I think you have a really cool name that you should be proud of! Don’t listen to the bullies at school who are making fun of it. Usually when a bully picks on someone, it’s because they’re jealous of something. They probably secretly admire something about you but are too proud to admit or acknowledge it. Instead they end up trying to hurt your feelings to make them feel more superior. They aren’t superior though. You are peers, and one person shouldn’t be made to feel lesser than another. Stand up tall and be proud. When the mean kids make their rude comments about your name, give them the “Is that the best you could come up with?!” look, and continue on with what you were doing (if your parents say it’s ok to do so).


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Jul 22, 2020
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Norwich CT
Dear Remmy,

I was a Montessori teacher for 22 years. This is what I know to be true:

1) It‘s really hard sometimes to be a kid. Adults can forget that being young wasn’t always fun and games. Please forgive adults when they’re clueless.

2) Most kids want to be kind. Sometimes they don’t how much other kids need their kindness. Please forgive kids when they don’t know what to do.

3) It’s really hard sometimes to stand out when all you want to do is blend in. The ability to do both is a life skill. Forgive yourself when you don’t want to do either.

4) Most of all, at the end of the day, you need to accept/like yourself—name and all. Kids who lash out or are unkind usually do it because they are struggling themselves. It does not make it okay or acceptable, but if you can be okay in your own skin, you may find the capacity to “reframe” them. In doing so, you may also find a way to forgive them too.

I wish you the best and would gladly hear more from you if you want. Kids like you are the BEST humanity has to offer.

jeff kushner

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Jul 24, 2020
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Forgive me OP but in truth, my very 1st thought was "If you'd done your job, you wouldn't be asking advice for that" (Jeff can be a royal one, he knows.. he prob needs help. LOL)

But then I back up a haven't fought in schools for 40 years like we did back in the day of paddling by the Principal. I'm trying not to take sides on that issue because it isn't the kids issue.

The kids issue is how to realize that all that noise is only noise. Yes, it can be upsetting when you feel ostracized by "the group" but so what? What is the worst thing, hurt feelings? Look your friends in the eye and with a SMILE, tell 'em to F/O...and bring up something else. Deflection worked wonders for us scared guys in Elem school but then we learned to be cool. It's kind of the cool thing about being cool......stupid stuff doesn't bother us anymore!

We all know, no matter what is going on, good or bad....things in life changes about every 3 weeks at this time in life(10-15y/o).....and in ways we never foresee. Besides, @ a week they will be talking about Joey's mom's boobs...maybe Remmey should bright them up? LOL.....

Teaching your kids that it's okay to be afraid, that we ALL learn as best we can how "to deal" to but we still have to face and overcome uncomfortable things...even now after all these decades of being cool, I still have things come up. I know, surprising, right?

Go tune the gunk out and hey kid, you can always take the 'punch in the face route", but since you likely aren't fighter, you'll get your buns kicked BUT you'll gain more street cred for sheer courage than anyone else in your entire grade, and that you will be remembered for that all the way through High School



Jan A

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Jan 9, 2021
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Boulder, CO
Forgive me OP but in truth, my very 1st thought was "If you'd done your job, you wouldn't be asking advice for that" (Jeff can be a royal one, he knows.. he prob needs help. LOL)

But then I back up a haven't fought in schools for 40 years like we did back in the day of paddling by the Principal. I'm trying not to take sides on that issue because it isn't the kids issue.

The kids issue is how to realize that all that noise is only noise. Yes, it can be upsetting when you feel ostracized by "the group" but so what? What is the worst thing, hurt feelings? Look your friends in the eye and with a SMILE, tell 'em to F/O...and bring up something else. Deflection worked wonders for us scared guys in Elem school but then we learned to be cool. It's kind of the cool thing about being cool......stupid stuff doesn't bother us anymore!

We all know, no matter what is going on, good or bad....things in life changes about every 3 weeks at this time in life(10-15y/o).....and in ways we never foresee. Besides, @ a week they will be talking about Joey's mom's boobs...maybe Remmey should bright them up? LOL.....

Teaching your kids that it's okay to be afraid, that we ALL learn as best we can how "to deal" to but we still have to face and overcome uncomfortable things...even now after all these decades of being cool, I still have things come up. I know, surprising, right?

Go tune the gunk out and hey kid, you can always take the 'punch in the face route", but since you likely aren't fighter, you'll get your buns kicked BUT you'll gain more street cred for sheer courage than anyone else in your entire grade, and that you will be remembered for that all the way through High School


To Remmy, as someone who was awkward, short, born to older parents, never popular, & generally not talented at anything or very smart, & once attacked & nearly thrown down some stairs by a bully, I can tell you there are loads of things out there so funny that have nothing to do with you, you simply must go investigate. The easiest way to free yourself from those who would make you miserable is to look for what interests YOU, to find those who enjoy what you enjoy, like, for example, those of us who like torts.

You are going to run into bullies (or what we adults often describe as starting with an "a" & ending in "e") your whole life. As we say "sometimes you get the bear, & sometimes the bear gets you." How YOU choose to handle them is mostly up to you. Know that you have people in YOUR corner wherever you look because you got us here on the forum.

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