Newbie Horsefield owner wanting advice

Laura starkey

Aug 24, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
hey everybody. I'm laura and I live in London. Last night I re-homed a four year old Horsefield.
I had a spur thigh tort a few years ago but he had to be put to sleep, so now I'm a bit rusty and would appreciate any help you could give me.
My tortoise is in a open top tortoise table, he has a soil mix substrate, some rocks, a basking slate, a water bowl and a hide. His substrate is nowhere deep enough and I will be going today to buy more. I read child's play sand is ok too? I have also bought some large gravel type stones to put in to give him a change of surface.
I have a uv bulb and a heat bulb next to each other, should these be separate? Also can someone remind me of the temps he needs?
I'm going to bathe him later today as he is very dirty, and to make sure he is hydrated.
I look forward to hearing from you all with any of your advice.

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Hello, Laura and a very warm welcome to Tortoise Forum to you and your new little one.:)
No, sand is not okay, it is an impaction risk and should not be used.
As long as none of the gravel pieces are small enough to be swallowed it should be okay.
Have a read of
which should answer most of your questions and then don't hesitate to ask if you have any further queries.

Laura starkey

Aug 24, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Thank you Tidgy's dad for getting back to me. I did wonder about the sand!
The gravel is more like small rocks, not small enough to be eaten or inhaled.
I will read through the link you posted - thanks x

Laura starkey

Aug 24, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
I've posted two of her and one of her enclosure. I have a new light fitting on order so I can move the uv bulb to the other side. Any advice? I'm fiddling with temps, she's in a hot part of the house at mo till We relocate her, so I've been having to move the bulb and keep checking the temps.
Got the hot side at 31.9c and the cool side at 23.6

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Very pretty tortoise, though slightly bumpy.
If that's broccoli, then be careful, it contains goitrogens that inhibit thyroid function and can cause liver and kidney damage. A little bit as part of a large and varied diet is okay, though.
Are those little white bits in the substrate perlite or calcium chips ?They seem to do this in the UK. It encourages substrate eating which is not a good idea, I'm afraid.
You should have a basking spot of between 35 and 38°C and then just let the temps drop away from there. (as long as it doesn't get too cold, of course.)

Laura starkey

Aug 24, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
I'm not sure what the white bits are, they were in the tortoise substrate supplied with her....
I took the broccoli away shortly after taking that pic, she's not interested in anything at the mo. I have offered dandelion and some kale, even her tortoise pellets, but she just kept peeing all over it. The previous owner only fed her pellets and lettuce.... so it's going to be hard to break old habits.


Aug 24, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Yes but keep trying please. Torts need lots of variety. I supply my guy with all sorts of new and interesting things. His fav is radiccio!

Laura starkey

Aug 24, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Yes but keep trying please. Torts need lots of variety. I supply my guy with all sorts of new and interesting things. His fav is radiccio!
I'm going to persevere..... I guess she will take a few days to settle in. She does like the garden though. I sit and watch her like a hawk! Lol!
I will try again with some weeds tomorrow and do they like rose petals? I have plenty of those!

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
I'm not sure what the white bits are, they were in the tortoise substrate supplied with her....
I took the broccoli away shortly after taking that pic, she's not interested in anything at the mo. I have offered dandelion and some kale, even her tortoise pellets, but she just kept peeing all over it. The previous owner only fed her pellets and lettuce.... so it's going to be hard to break old habits.
Yeah, like I say, they do this in British pet shops, perlite/ calcium in the substrate. Expensive, too. You can get cheaper substrate on the net or in garden centres.
Patience, she'll eat when she' get's hungry and has settled in, as long as your temperatures are good.
Rose petals are good tort food but must be completely chemical free, of course.

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