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5 Year Member
Dec 26, 2012
Hi my names Jamie from northwest uk, I'm looking after my sisters 4 tortoises and could do with some help and advice from u kind people if poss firstly I'm not sure what type or age they are so I'm not sure on how best to look after them. I've been trying to feed them with plants from garden and cucumber with vitamin dust on it, but they don't seem to be eating much. I've been bathing them for 10 mins a day in warm water. Today I put them out in back garden,brought them back in for little bath all went ok, then one of the started to bubble from the mouth, he or she wasn't gasping for breath but around his/her neck and front legs looked wet and he was raising his/her head a lot higher then I've ever seen before. He/she was still active but walking a bit funny as if he/she was drunk. Been checking on him/her and seems ok now.

I'll try and upload some photos when I work out how to.

Thanks for taking time out to read this any help or advice is greatful


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Hi and welcome! Must have been a scarey experience for you (and the tortoise) with the bubbles. Are you keeping the soaking water the depth where the two shells meet? Could he have eaten something out in the garden? Does your sister allow them out there? Knowing what type they are will help. Many folks have luck with photobucket or tinypic. What temps are you keeping them at during the day and at night? Do you have lights on them? If so for how many hours a day?

Yvonne G

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Hi Jamie and welcome to the Forum!!

Usually foaming from the mouth indicates the tortoise is either too hot or has eaten something toxic. Because you're in the UK, I imagine its pretty cold outside right now, so the toxic thing probably comes into play. Do you know if any pesticides or herbicides have been put over the garden area? And because its so cold outside, I wouldn't put them out in the garden anymore this winter.

I think you should probably put this tortoise in a tub of water. Like Jacqui said, make it so the water comes up to the middle of the shell...where the top meets the bottom. Just leave him in the water for about a half hour.

Since you're in the UK, I'm guessing that the tortoises are either Russian, Greeks or Hermanns. They all take appx. the same type of care. Did your sister tell you what to feed them? You can buy dark, leafy greens from the store to feed the tortoises. Things like escarole, endive, turnip greens, mustard greens, kale. Don't worry about cucumber. There's not much nutrients there, mostly water.

The most important thing is to keep them warm. They should have a light over their habitat where they can warm up. It should be about 100F directly under the light and about 80-85F on one end with room temp being ok on the other end.

Good luck with your babysitting endeavor.


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Dec 23, 2011
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Welcome how are things going?


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5 Year Member
Dec 26, 2012
Hi sorry didn't think my post was posted.

The bubbles have stopped now, I'm gonna build them a house and add uv lights and heat lights.






I've managed to get them to eat a little and drink some water, I've been told they look dark from lack of uv light. I'm not really sure on what uv light to get?

Any advice is welcome I just want to set them up as happy and looked after as I can.



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Apr 2, 2012
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So glad the bubbles have stopped! I use a mvb for mine when they are indoors. Mvb hav both types of uv rays that they need, so I only need one bulb vs 2 or 3. I don't remember what brand you would have access to in the UK but I use a Powersun.
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